
Duration:  11 Jul  -  24 Jul

completedin progresson holdreviewto do

(vs record 77 completed sprint 50)

  1. Re-run advanced IMs
    1. TACC OpenSees
    2. implement new ATC_Steel models (3 of them)
    3. verify the new built OpenSees on 2D models (v20p5p8)
  2. SRF gen with roughness (identify 4 faults to interrogate vertical extent of roughness - adjust plotting to address)
    1. WairarapNich
  3. Add HF path duration perturbation (Robin to provide more info)
  1. Jonney
  2. Viktor
  3. James, Viktor, Jonney

  1. a. less priority, and blocked by access to TACC
    b. ATC 3 and 6 Story is Implemented and Ran on v20p5p8
    c. done, results are basically the same with minor floating point different.
  2. ?
  3. Implementation agreed. Initial code laid down. Blocked by Kisti/Tacc PR

Ground Motion DB
  1. Hikurangi Geometry
  2. Mw Reconciliation (comparison : John Ristau vs international dataset)
  3. Comparison with VH2017
  1. James
  2. ?
  3. ?
  1. Pilot study of HikWgtnmin completed. IM ratio plots available in link.
Hikurangi surface geometry

1) Running 200m sims LF only - on Maui (starting Merit cycle)

2) Empirical / Cybershake / ratio hazard maps


1) ~2,500 realisations left

2) A few are awaiting interrogation. Still have a few more map types to generate. Was getting PGA discrepencies compared to prior plots

Cybershake v21p1

2) CS20p4 Result Interogation

Slurm Workflow
  1. Workflow on TACC
  2. CH estimation based on linear regression
  3. Integrate with pre-processing (starting with VM)
    1. Separate db creation out of install
  4. Near-real time Simulation plan

  5. New E2E test - confirm what HF version to use (

  1. James
  2. Jason / Ethan
  3. Jonney
  4. Jonney
  5. James?
  1. Final merge approaching. Final KISTI e2e test underway. Final Tacc e2e test still to go.

2) Good progress. Most steps have a regression. Next step is co-efficients, and then implementation in code. Awaiting final regressions before creating wiki page with plots

3) no progress

4) no progress

  1. Kisit and Tacc simulation validation
  2. -
  3. Adding Pre-processing into automated workflow
Workflow Calc

1) BA18 site amp -

    1. Plot revised interpolation function
    2. Generate results
1) Jason

    1. Interpolation function created
    2. New results underway for 400m sample.
      1. What interrogation needs to be done?

1) Bayless 18 Site Amplification
  1. GM selection for ensemble with multiple empirical branches
  2. Seistech API tidy up

  1. Claudio
  2. Tom
  1. Done
  2. SeisTech API tidy up
    1. Simple Exception Handling
    2. Logging
    3. Download Data (Front-end part)

Roadmap (scientific functionality list)

Production - TODO (longer term tasks)


2. SeisTech API Tidy up

Machine Learning
  1. NN - GMM
    1. Make realisation based workflow functional
    2. Develop research plan (development, validation, publication)
  2. ML/Deep learning tutorial material for students
  3. Validation dataset for students (sim + observed)

  1. NN GMM
    1. Done, additional plots required
    2. Hmh, not done..
  2. Done
  3. Done

Web/Data Portal

  1. SimAtlas simulation+animation:
    1. continue monitor the 'status' of the scripts ( make sure its not crashing)

2. GIS interface for Andrew

3. NZVM viewer

4. Add GA to sim atlas

  1. Jonney
  2. Viktor
  3. Viktor
  4. Tom

1. New version of automated animation workflow. ( have minor issue, but can be resolved with some changes)

2. 3 period values (1dp), different colour ranges for new colour palette, user password reset, add user, notes and link per-site, bedrock → t0, view points associated batch, remove points from a batch, user login timestap, created, see number of uploads per user,

4. We can now track what users have been clicked via Google Analytics, account with seistechnz. – (J: it's live and deployed on atlas.seistech.nz)

1.Automated animation workflow v2

http://hypocentre:5099 email:guest@guest.com pw:guest


4. Add GA to Simulation Atlas

  1. Isilon vs Nearline 25Tb swap
  2. Mount isilon on epicentre
  1. Sung
  2. Sung/Viktor
  1. Emptied Isilon leaving 14Tb available storage.
  2. In progress with IT (permission issue)

Isilon vs Nearline


  1. Velocity Model basins
    1a. What stations are in the basin?
  2. Topo Regenerate NZ for GMT plotting
  3. Discuss Hypocentre ver.2?
  4. Poster abstracts
  1. Jason
  2. Viktor
  3. Sung
  4. James, Claudio, Viktor, Jason
  1. Awaiting Ethan's review / plotting for merging the rest of them. Fixed bug in Wanaka basin outline
  2. ?
  3. Hold until QC2. Can use RCC for SeisTech core.
  4. Submitted – Jason, Sung, James, Claudio

1.Basin Modelling

1a. https://uceqeng.slack.com/archives/C0GBS5GQ3/p1595566460215500

IM Calc

Bug fixes

Seismic risk

Empirical engine

  • No labels