1. Implementing Google Analytics

I created a function that deals with Google Analytics.

Example of usage,

It works on pretty much everything we can click except on the top right corner, `Colour` and `All Faults`. As they are currently in one component and when we click one of them, it updates other's status as well. Hence, even if the user clicks `Colour` it updates the status of `All Faults`. In the end, this component will be split into two different components but it's not in top priority.

What Google Analytics looks like after all.

  • Unique Events only count once per session

2. Deploy code to atlas.seistech.nz

With Sung's help, we deployed an updated code so by clicking contents @atlas.seistech.nz, data will be sent to Google Analytics (We are using our account, seistechnz@gmail.com)

  • No labels