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What is this repo about?

To automate LaTeX-based document that provides an overview of the event simulated with the groun motion sim workflow. 

Repo status

README presentNo
Is Public?No

Number of commits


Last time Updated

Jun 9, 2017


  • Description: State how this function is used or interacts with other sw components.
  • Status: (1: not working, 2: unstable, 3: works under specific condition, 4: works with known issues, 5: perfect )
  • Tests: (1: none, 2: broken/outdated. 3: with limited coverage, 4: works with known issues, 5: perfect)
  • Doc (1: none, 2: outdated,  3: with limited coverage, 4: mostly ok, 5: perfect)  Give a link
  • Frequency of use: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Never
  • Frequency of code/req. change: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Never
  • Bus Factor: Number of people that are familiar with the code (1-7)
FunctionalityDescriptionStatusKnown issuesTests?Doc?Frequency of useFrequency of code/req. changeBus Factor
Template vs configTemplate contains the static skeleton of the document, and the config file contains variables5

Generating generates a pdf file out of the template and config file.5


Suggested Improvements / New Features

  • Description: State how/why this will be useful
  • Timeline: Estimate of how many sprints will it take to develop 
SeisFinder2 needs this?Include in SeisFinder2 if needed2 days if the template can be used without change

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