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  • Description: State how this function is used or interacts with other sw components.
  • Status: (1: not working, 2: unstable, 3: works under specific condition, 4: works with known issues, 5: perfect )
  • Tests: (1: none, 2: broken/outdated. 3: with limited coverage, 4: works with known issues, 5: perfect)
  • Doc (1: none, 2: outdated,  3: with limited coverage, 4: mostly ok, 5: perfect)  Give a link
  • Frequency of use: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Never
  • Frequency of code/req. change: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Never
  • Bus Factor: Number of people that are familiar with the code (1-7)
FunctionalityDescriptionStatusKnown issuesTests?Doc?Frequency of useFrequency of code/req. changeBus Factor
SrfGenwrapper scripts that generates parameters and execute external binary from EMOD3D to generate srf/stoch models and creates SRF.info5Create GMSim_model repo11WeeklyMonthly2
srf2VMgenerate parameters from required for Velocity Model generation from SRF.info5
Slurm TemplatesSlurm related script/template for model creation on HPC4
NonUniformGridcreates a national wide grid base on various input4

Threshold of grid density causing more grid than required for give domain.
We no longer need vs30 and vs30ref for the newest workflow.

Written for Python2

Create a separate repo

RegionalSeismicityTectonicsSome of very old scripts that was used for2

Old scripts that has never been tested or run frequently.
All data there were based on 2010.

(Send to graveyard?)


Scripts that extracts data from GeoNet.

Generate files required to run a real-time simulation


We no longer runs real-time simulations.

Codes written in python2

Survey current usage (if not used, graveyard)


Suggested Improvements / New Features

  • Description: State how/why this will be useful
  • Timeline: Estimate of how many sprints will it take to develop 
Estimation of run-time for model generationA first step to investigate the extreme long time used for generating subduction faults.
If we have collection of data and estimation of run-time, we can have a better knowledge of if it is scaling properly, or something is wrong.
1 Sprint
Archive old scripts that were created years ago.Since this is a public repo, its probably a good idea to archive and establish a branch with code that is actively maintained.1~2 Days
Incorporate model generation into management DBWith an option to stop after model generation (for verification)
Update Slurm/Model generation   to use one core per jobCurrently the script tries to submit a job that try to utulize a whole node, but CPU becomes idle when small faults finished.
Revamp the code so that each fault/model is only related to one job, and each job has only one core.
1 Sprint
Automated testingGMSim_model, NonUniformGrid (unneeded)1 Sprint
Update NonUniformGrid related coderefer to the 'Known issues' part of NonUniformGrid1 Sprint

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