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What is this repo about?

Calculate empirical intensity measures.

Used for validation (emp vs sim vs obs), plotting and vm generation

Repo status

README presentYes
Is Public?Yes

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Last time Updated



  • Description: State how this function is used or interacts with other sw components.
  • Status: (1: not working, 2: unstable, 3: works under specific condition, 4: works with known issues, 5: perfect )
  • Tests: (1: none, 2: broken/outdated. 3: with limited coverage, 4: works with known issues, 5: perfect)
  • Doc (1: none, 2: outdated,  3: with limited coverage, 4: mostly ok, 5: perfect)  Give a link
  • Frequency of use: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Never
  • Frequency of code/req. change: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Never
  • Bus Factor: Number of people that are familiar with the code (1-7)

FunctionalityDescriptionStatusKnown issuesTests?Doc?Frequency of useFrequency of code/req. changeBus Factor
Empirical FactoryFor a given site / fault / gmm calculate an intensity measure. Estimates parameters that aren't specified that have estimations5
Weekly (SRF generation)Yearly1.7
Calculate EmpiricalWorkflow to calculate empirircal ims for a given station and srf file.4max_rupture_distance does not work

Move some setup functions (create_fault_parameters) to empirical factory or utils

Developed for Python2

github readme

Empirical Engine

Emp AggregationCombines IM files and creates a metadata file3

Can be simplified

Developed for Python2

1github readmeMonthlyYearly1
GMM_modelsContains code that computes a specified ground motion model4Bradley matplot lib dependency (minor)21WeeklyNever1

Suggested Improvements / New Features

  • Description: State how/why this will be useful
More GMMImplement more Ground Motion Models1 Sprint (Each)
Hazard Calculation WorkflowDeprecate our dependence on OpenPSHA3 Sprints

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