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What is this repo about?

Calculating and plotting probabilities of landslide and liquefaction events

Repo status

README presentYes
Is Public?No

Number of commits


Last time Updated



  • Description: State how this function is used or interacts with other sw components.
  • Status: (1: not working, 2: unstable, 3: works under specific condition, 4: works with known issues, 5: perfect )
  • Tests: (1: none, 2: broken/outdated. 3: with limited coverage, 4: works with known issues, 5: perfect)
  • Doc (1: none, 2: outdated,  3: with limited coverage, 4: mostly ok, 5: perfect)  Give a link
  • Frequency of use: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Never
  • Frequency of code/req. change: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Never
  • Bus Factor: Number of people that are familiar with the code (1-7)
FunctionalityDescriptionStatusKnown issuesTests?Doc?Frequency of useFrequency of code/req. changeDate of last code changeBus Factor
Infrastructure im matchingMatches lat, long points to the nearest station and associated intensity measures5

Converts csv of lat lon pgv to grid.xml to be used in rest of workflow

Unneeded now for liquefaction/landslide. Still needed for PAGER.

3Python 213NeverNever23/1/191
calculate_gfCalculate susceptibility and coverage of landslides and liquefaction5
plot liquefaction/landslideCreates plots of landslide and liquefaction risk probabilities?1

Doesn't work with new workflow

Python 2

scripts directory

Assorted scripts from summer interns in early 2018

Area analysis, pop analysis, region analysis, cybershake probabalistic ground failure

2Doesn't work with new workflow12NeverNever4/2/180

Suggested Improvements / New Features

  • Description: State how/why this will be useful
  • Timeline: Estimate of how many sprints will it take to develop 
Scripts in infrastructure other than imdb point finderNo longer needed and should be removedA few minutes
Scripts directoryNeeds to be looked through for any scripts that are usefulA few days. Probably a couple of sprints to change them into python 3 and integrate with current workflows.

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