
Duration:  23 Sep - 04 Oct 

completedin progresson holdreviewto do

(vs record 61 completed sprint 19)

  1. Sim uncertainties in validation for type 1 faults. (extensible to type 2-4)
  2. Email Rob about VM perturbation
  1. Source parameters to srf generation parameters created.
  2. Email sent, awaiting reply

  1. Final results for v18.6 & v19.5
  2. Confirm old & new give consistent results
  3. Extract desired benchmarks for SeisTech cross-comparison
  4. Sim/animation/PGV with new offshore basin NZVM (2.03)



1.) Empirical IMDB (older format) created. Running sample hazard plots / disagg / hazard maps currently

2 & 3) ToDo

Slurm Workflow
  1. GMSimViz for Hikurangi
  2. Sim Atlas : Requested items
  3. sbatch'
  4. Create mean and standard deviation im plots

1) James / Viktor

2) Sung

3) Jonney

4) James

1) SRF split into two planes, Iterating on the animation.

2) Completed tasks for this sprint, including following additional tasks

1) when clicking on the simulation link, open a new tab instead; (2) for the color palette (Probability or Magnitude) choose something that has a greater range of contrasting colors (currently too narrow); (3) replace “P%” with “Probability” and make the percentage (e.g. 13.64%) have only two sig fig (e.g. 14% or 9.4%); and (4) increase the screen size (amount of space in the screen for the legend in the bottom right)

To do: tectonic types, faults with 90 degrees slip to be tilted  

3a) Have created a HPC wrapper to check if have enough usage to submit the job.

3b) Working on creating additional tables in the dashboard for tracking individual allocation.

4) Script partially complete. More work required.


1)Finish sim IMDB

1.5) Magnitude Mean add DS

2)UHS interp for periods other than DBDisagg verification

2.5) PGA as SA(0) for UHS

3)Disagg plotting/Gridding

4)Vs30 check

5)Empirical DS internal functionality

6)Empirical NSHM

7)Remove hacks

8) Create new simulated 18p6 IMDB with full number of SA periods

Claudio, Jason

1) Done

1.5) Partial, added code for loading and using of DS rupture magnitudes. Actually updating magnitude mean calculation to use DS data is not possible until we are working on the new database format

2) Not required anymore

2.5) Done

3) Proof of concept done, need to integrate with seistech framework

4) Done (assuming this is printing out our vs30 and the user specified vs30 in the hazard analysis script)

5) Empirical Ds can be calculated and saved to an empirical parametric imdb. Note: performance for ~30,000 stations still needs to be improved.

6) Empirical Fault based  can also be calculated and saved. Currently working on streamlining the two workflows to be as similar as possible. Aka less repeated code / optimisations to be made.

7) In progress (at least 1+ days to go)

8) In progress (IM_csv missed a few so re-running last simulations)

SungEmpirical engine autotest updated
Bug fixes

Seismic risk
  1. Seismic risk output for Liam

1) Done

Empirical engine
  1. NHM2SSDDB station height bug
  2. Background rupture rate script (Matlab->Python)


1) Done

2) Done

  1. Vs30 for extended Eastern region
  2. Hikurangi empirical validation
  1. Done, on slack
  2. Done

brendonbradley  1 hour ago
1) Run sims for 10 largest magnitude (crustal) events in Cybershake at 200m grid (before pressing go - please let me know the CH estimate) and make ‘standard’ GmSimViz animations (to be added to Sim Atlas)

brendonbradley  1 hour ago
2) Sim atlas functionality - carry-over items from last time + remove ‘plain’ layer and replace with ‘Tectonic Type’ (with different colors for active shallow crustal, volcanic, subduction interface) [current sub interface isnt on atlas, can we please add these (even thought we dont have any sims for these yet, so we will need to make SRFs for these eventually, but dont do this for now)] (edited) 

brendonbradley  1 hour ago
3) Finishing all Cybershake critical milestone for this sprint (had hoped for last sprint)

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