Note, the content of this page has been deprecated by changes found on these pages


  • Create plan to implement source uncertainties for all types
  • Implement for source type 1 (point source)


  • Point source srfs are now able to be generated with perturbations
  • Changes have been made to install_cybershake to add any extra parameters, perturbed or constant, to the end of the .yaml file in the Sim_params folder

How to:

To perturbate the parameters of a point source srf use with the usual arguments, with the addition of

  • --realisation-uncertainty <uncertainty-file location>
  •  --cybershake-fault-file <cybershake-file location>
  • --additional-options-file <additional-options-file location>

If either of the first two are given, the other must also be given, and if the third is given, the first two must also be given.

Without the first two files an unperturbed srf will be generated.

Uncertainty file

The uncertainty file is a yaml file containing variables that are to be perturbed with the type of distribution and the associated distribution parameters.

Currently available distributions and associated parameters are :

  • uniform - halfrange
    • A uniform distribution with a range of 2*halfrange centered around the given nominal value
  • normal - variance
    • A normal/gaussian distribution with the given variance, centered around the given nominal value
  • uniform_relative - scalefactor
    • A uniform distribution ranging from (1-scalefactor)*nominal to (1+scalefactor)*nominal
  • log_normal-variance
    • A log-normal distribution with the given variance and nominal value

An example uncertainty file:

Example source_uncertainty.yaml
        halfrange: 0.05

        halfrange: 5

Cybershake file

The cybershake file should be a white space separated file with a column of source names, and a column with the respective number of realisations for the source. The number of realisations must have 'r' appended to the end to represent that the parameters are to be randomised.

These files are output from the python script found here

Additional options file

The additional options file is a yaml file that contains a list of variables and their nominal values.

If the variables exist in the uncertainty file they will be perturbed for each realisation.

All the additional variables will then be saved in the .yaml file in the Sim_params folder

Once the perturbate_ps branch is merged into the slurm_workflow master branch these parameters will be appended to the bottom of the sim_params.yaml file

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