TO DO: match the observed data filtered from 0-0.2Hz after 4 iterations of FWT using GSDF method. The adjoint sources was selected  in a broad-band filter from 0-0.1Hz. Two initial models were used to compare the convergence of the method to a final inverted model.

A) Homogeneous initial model

Velocity models in the inversion process

Initial model

Iteration 1

Iteration 4

The misfit function after 4 iterations

Waveform comparison after 4 iterations for event 2012p161604m3pt7

B) Smooth initial model given by Gaussian filtering a 3-D geological model (Lee 2017)

Smooth initial model

Iteration 1

Iteration 4

The misfit function after 4 iterations

Waveform comparison after 4 iterations for event 2012p161604m3pt7

Cross-session comparison between initial and inverted models at z=2km; y=40km and x=40km

Second run using adjoint source broad-band filter [0-0.2]Hz and data filter [0-0.2]Hz

Initial model as final inverted model after first inversion run

Inverted model after 2 iterations

Waveform comparison

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