Northern part of the South island region:Domain of 352km x 3542km x

160km (or 176x176x80 cells), dh = 2km, t=200s,dt=0.08

-Alternative domain: 88x88x60 cells, dh=4km, t=240s,


-49 stations and 16 events (5.5 Mw) with the same source mechanism

-flo=0.1Hz, filter data from 0.025Hz-0.1Hz (T=10s - 40s).

3D init.model

checker board and source/ station layout

Inverted result after 1 iterations for domains of 176x176x80

Smooth result above by 10x2km:

Inverted result after 1 iterations for domains of 88x88x60

Misfit reduction comparison for 2km grid and 4km grid

Waveform comparison for dh=2km case

Time shift improvement after iteration 1

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