EndNote Installation Instructions

At home or Laptop

On a PC

Step 1.

Ensure that Microsoft Word is Closed

Step 2.

Back up andyexisting EndNote libraries. (Ensure that any .enl file and .data folder are kept together) .  Ensure that any previous versions of EndNote have been uninstalled before starting this install.

Step 3: Install the software

Download the software from the links on the EndNote Software page.

Step 4: Extract the intallation files

Double click on the saved installation zip file to open the installation files

Extract all these files to a new location

Step 5: Installing EndNote

Open the Extracted Installation folder

Run the EndNote installation file, ENX4Inst.msi.

Step 6: Typical or custom

Use the next button to progress through the install.  A Typical install will only install a limited number of styles, connections and filters.  Use the Custom install to select a greater range or styles, connections or Filters.  The Typical install has been customized for the University of Canterbury and is a faster installation process than Custom Install.

Step 7.

Click on Finish.

Step 8.

The download will complete and the download box will disappear. At this stage EndNote will be installing in the background. You can shut down the Control Panel windows. Don't open Word for about 5 minutes, at which stage you should see EndNote X3 in your Start, Programs folder.

  • start EndNote

You will notice on first start-up that you are prompted to link to EndNoteWeb.  Do not integrate with Endnote Web

  • open or create a new EndNote Library

Step 9.

Start Word and check the EndNote tab is present.

  • No labels