TO DO: discuss the filter parameters applied for emod3d and signal processing

Simulation for a homogeneous domain of size 300x300x150 (x,y,z):

Vs=2.5km/s; Vp=5.0km/s; dt=0.04s; dh=1.0km; t=120s; dtts=10.

Fmax=5.0 Hz, Fmin=0.01Hz, elas_only=0;

#Padding zone: dampwidth=20, qbndfac=0.3

Double – couple source in vertical direction, Gaussian shape with fc=1Hz (1s period) at x=90, y=90, z=50. 

Comparison of the floor high-cut filters using for emod3d forward modelling

Exx normal strain component plotted for 300 time steps using flo=1.0

Exx normal strain component plotted for 300 time steps using flo=0.25

Comparision of adjoint sources with and without seismogram filtering

Backward wavefield using filtered adjoint source, high frequency noise generated
fmax=0.05 for seismogram filter

Plot for 500 time steps

Backward wavefield without adjoint source filter


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