General - Sung

Cybershake (ie. future simulation) - Joel

  • Examine workflow orchestration tools (Pegasus, 'cylc')

Validation (ie. historical simulation) - Sung

  • Small magnitude uncertainty (Sarah) : no immediate plan to run sims : Sung to run on KISTI on behalf

Velocity Model - Sung

Source Model - Jake

  • Type 5 Source modelling:
    1. Rough stages for implementation:
      1. Scoping and designing file types (DONE)
      2. Developing algorithms to infer jump points and causality (DONE)
      3. Choosing initial fault (TODO; pending Brendon)
      4. Debugging GSF file generation (IN-PROGRESS; have written my own GSF generator)
        1. C/Python comparison: C has 322 unreadable poorly performing lines and memory leaks, Python has 50 lines and no leaks.
      5. Running test simulation (TODO; could probably do now)
      6. Source parameter variance (TODO)
    2. "nice to haves"
      1. Better error output for realisation files (TODO; Using the Python schema library)
      2. NSHM database (IN-PROGRESS; I think it will be a really useful tool once completed)
      3. Some sort of better interface to specify custom type-5 scenarios. Currently done with SrfGen (TODO; Dovetails really nicely with (b) and I have a lot of ideas)
      4. Improving the visualisation tools for realisations, GSF files and SRF files (TODO)


  • P-wave picker selection (low priority)
    • Perform brief review of existing p- & s-wave pickers and perform comparison/testing
    • Integrate into NZGMDB workflow
  • Re-implement/Tidy up GMC workflow
    • Use p-wave picker selected above, as this is the main reason for the GMC pain, also makes it be consistent with rest of NZGMDB workflow (low priority)
  • Investigate Ds multiplier and other methods for grabbing the correct window for the waveforms (Low priority)
    • Produce plots / streamlit app to investigate to visually see how changes to ds multiplier affects results
    • Discuss with brendon and team for a good/different approach
  • Phase arrival merge of Geonet data (Andrew)
  • Fmax calculation (Andrew)
  • IM calculation (Andrew)
  • Process Waveforms (Joel)
  • Merging flatfiles (Joel)

  • No labels