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QuakeCoRE Software Team has introduced code review policy as an effort for quality assurance and encourage increased interactions amongst team members.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Developer Create a branch -> Edit -> Add/Commit/Push to the branch

    In the following, let's assume the developer "seb56" is making a small change to  "git_sim_pkg" repository.

    Code Block
    seb56@hypocentre /home/seb56/gm_sim_pkg :git checkout -b fix_hardcoded_python
    Switched to a new branch 'fix_hardcoded_python'

    Suppose the developer edited the file "  The developer does "git add"  followed by "git commit".

    Code Block
    seb56@hypocentre /home/seb56/gm_sim_pkg/wrapper :git add
    seb56@hypocentre /home/seb56/gm_sim_pkg/wrapper :git commit -m "Replaced the hard-coded python path with a variable"
    [fix_hardcoded_python c2a7911] Replaced the hard-coded python path with a variable
     1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

    When the developer feels the code is ready, he/she does "git push" to the new branch.

    Code Block
    seb56@hypocentre /home/seb56/gm_sim_pkg/wrapper :git push origin fix_hardcoded_python
    Counting objects: 4, done.
    Delta compression using up to 32 threads.
    Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 410 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
    Total 4 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), completed with 3 local objects.
     * [new branch]      fix_hardcoded_python -> fix_hardcoded_python
  2. Developer : Go to github repository and make Make a pull request from GitHub. Specify to a reviewer. The reviewer can be an expert or a team member who wishes to learn more about the code base.

    Go to Github, and notice the new branch that you created. Click Compare & pull request.

    Enter the description of the code change and specify the reviewer. In this example, "dlagrava" is selected.
    The reviewer can be an expert or a team member who wishes to learn more about the code base.

    Before clicking Create pull request, scroll down and have a good look at your code change. If you're happy, make a pull request.

    When the request has been successfully made, the developer will be presented a new page from Pull requests tab.

  3. Reviewer : Reviewer : The reviewer receives an email requesting the review. has 3 options : He/she can view the code changes, and make an comment line by line. If the reviewer is happy with all the changes, he can "approve" the code.
    make comments, approve the change or make a change request.

    The reviewer receives an email requesting the review.  "dlagrava" visits the pull request page . The reviewer and clicks the link to start the review.

    Click Add your review

    The reviewer can click Review changes to comment/approve or request changes.

    If the reviewer wishes to make a specific comment for a certain line of code, click +   in the begging of the line and leave a comment and click Add single comment, this will immediately send an email to the developer.


    Alternatively, if the reviewer wishes to make multiple comments, he/she may click Start a review, which will place the comment in "Pending" state, and after all comments have been made, the reviewer can click Finish your review to send the whole collection of comments in a single email.


    The reviewer can finalize the review by clicking Submit review with 3 options - Comment, Approve and Request changes.


  4. Developer:  Revision of the code.

    If the reviewer selects Request change, the developer will receive an email with a link that takes to this page.

    The developer may disagree, but let's assume he/she agreed to make a necessary code change.


    Image Added

    The developer edit the code, and does git add/commit/push.

    It is also recommended to respond to the reviewer comment.

    Image Added

    Start a review and Submit review to finalize your comment and notify the reviewer.

    Image Added

  5. ReviewerSecond review.

    Reviewer receives an email with a link that takes to the page showing New changes since you last viewed.


    Image Added

    Click + or View changes to inspect. If everything looks ok, Click Review changes and Approve.

    Image Added


  6. Admin (Reviewer) :  Merge the pull request

    The repository admin (most of the time, the reviewer will function as the admin) will "Merge the pull request".Developer : Remove the branch unless the branch needs to be kept..

    Image Added

    It is also recommended for the admin to Delete branch to keep the repository tidy.

    Image Added

  7. Developer : Delete the local branch
    Even if the admin deletes the branch, the developer's own copy of code still has the branch and worse still, the developer may be on the branch.

    Check which branch is being used.

    Code Block
    seb56@hypocentre /home/seb56/gm_sim_pkg :git branch
    * fix_hardcoded_python

    Switch to master branch.

    Code Block
    seb56@hypocentre /home/seb56/gm_sim_pkg :git checkout master
    Switched to branch 'master'
    Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

    I. Delete first

    Delete the branch

    Code Block
    seb56@hypocentre /home/seb56/gm_sim_pkg :git branch -D fix_hardcoded_python
    Deleted branch fix_hardcoded_python (was 84ef6a7).

    At this point, your local "master" will be behind the origin "master" which has merged the pull request. Get the latest copy of origin master.

    Code Block
    seb56@hypocentre /home/seb56/gm_sim_pkg :git pull
    remote: Counting objects: 1, done.
    remote: Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    Unpacking objects: 100% (1/1), done.
       157b335..ad64bb7  master     -> origin/master
    Updating 157b335..ad64bb7
     wrapper/ | 5 +++--
     1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

    II. Pull first

    Code Block
    seb56@hypocentre /home/seb56/gm_sim_pkg :git pull
    remote: Counting objects: 1, done.
    remote: Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    Unpacking objects: 100% (1/1), done.
       157b335..ad64bb7  master     -> origin/master
    Updating 157b335..ad64bb7
     wrapper/ | 5 +++--
     1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)).

    Delete the branch. Note the "-d" switch instead of "-D".

    Code Block
    seb56@hypocentre /home/seb56/gm_sim_pkg :git branch -d fix_hardcoded_python
    Deleted branch fix_hardcoded_python (was 84ef6a7



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