This page is deprecated in favor of a new page in our knowledge base and the up to date maintained version can be found here.

eResearch consultancy is a service available to all researchers, including continuing academics, Post-Doctoral researchers, PhD students, Masters students or research assistants. Consultancy services can be provided to individuals or  research groups. 

The role of eResearch Consultant is to support the computing needs of researchers. We provide recommendations and assistance with accessing High Performance Computing (HPC) services either via the UC Research Compute Cluster (RCC) or cloud-based services, Research specific storage queries and any other Research IT systems and services that may apply.  

We usually meet with you, the researcher, at your place of work. We are also happy to meet virtually (via Teams or other, according to your preferences).  

Usual eResearch queries may include: 

  • What eResearch services do we provide?  
  • What do you need for a new project on the RCC 
  • Planning eResearch resources and needs for new research projects 
  • Requesting computational help or training for a current project 
  • Help from eResearch Services for specific projects, with deeper engagement including: 
    • Coding assistance 
    • Getting specific resources 
    • Workflow design 
    • Best practices in coding, research computing and visualisation assistance 
  • Seeking training with eResearch skills 
  • Access to NeSI and NeSI assistance 

Data management planning and Research Data Management assistance can be found at the library. The Data management planning and Research Data Management LibGuides page provides some helpful information, and if you require consultancy for Research Data Management, you can request assistance from the Research Systems and Data Librarian Anton Angelo.  

At the end of the meeting, a plan of action which may include further engagement or consultations should be agreed to when applicable. The plan of action should outline: 

  • Clear objectives with a time frame when possible 
  • A list of actions to be taken 
  • Deliverables for the researcher(s) 
  • No labels