If you are an active researcher (if you are reading this then you probably are) then you can register for the KAREN network and get free internet access to most of the university and research websites on the internet.  See http://www.icts.canterbury.ac.nz/ats/karen.shtml for more details.  The most important information for you is this:

Is KAREN Free?

The University pays a single annual fee for access to KAREN and there is no expectation that this fee is recovered from users. This is deliberate so staff can try using KAREN in new ways without the question of costs limiting their experimentation. But unless you are registered as a KAREN user, all your Internet traffic will be treated as if it passed though our ISP. This is also deliberate as the routers cannot distinguish between academic staff, general staff or students and to provide free access to all would encourage undesirable activity (like music peer-peer file sharing) as well as legitimate experimentation.

... hence you would be well advised to register on the webform at http://www.icts.canterbury.ac.nz/forms/register_karen.shtml - it costs nothing and provides many advantages for your internet access.

If you would like to know if an internet site is on KAREN then Otago University have a handy web page to find this out at http://www.otago.ac.nz/its/services/network/otago028346.html

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