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KISTI Nurion accounts usually last 12 months and do not extend, which means you have to utilize the allocation as much as you can before the end date, secure a new account for the next year, and migrate the data and environment once you have a new account. 

This adds substantial amount of overhead, but use this as an opportunity to hygene your storage and run environments.

Each step listed below starts with one of  tags (Admin), (UC), (CWNU) or (All).  Most users can skip (Admin) steps. and piggyback the environment set up by the (Admin)

  1. (Admin) Before migration : Clean up your RunFolder, contact KISTI tech support and ask for moving data and your run environment. Your new account should be already activated. This usually involves setting up OTP for your new account. Email KISTI and request them to send the authorization code via email, not phone.
  2. (All) Log in to the new account for the first time. Add these lines to your .bashrc . Update ADMIN with your new "admin" account. 
# User specific aliases and functions
export PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w> '
shopt -u progcomp

alias bash="/bin/bash"
export ADMIN=x2568a02
export MMBATCH=b1
export CWSCRATCH=/scratch/$ADMIN/users
export MYSCRATCH=/scratch/$ADMIN/users/$USER

alias tree='find . | sed -e "s/[^-][^\/]*\// |/g" -e "s/|\([^ ]\)/|-\1/"'

export SCRATCH=/scratch/$ADMIN
source $SCRATCH/gmsim_home/share/bashrc.uceq

export PATH=$PATH:$SCRATCH/gmsim_home/Environments/nurion/virt_envs/python3_nurion/bin
umask 002

3. (UC) Add this to .bashrc

alias act_jason='activate_env /scratch/${ADMIN}/UC/env/cs22p4

4. (CWNU) Add this to .bashrc

alias act_env='activate_env $ENV'

3. (All)

Create symbolic links in the admin home directory.

cd ~/
ln -s $SCRATCH/gmsim_home gmsim

4. (CWNU) In your Home directory, do this

cd ~/
ln -s $SCRATCH/users/$ADMIN/Velocity-Model
ln -s $SCRATCH/users/$ADMIN/VM_KVM

5. (Admin) Go to $SCRATCH and replace all occurences of old account name with the new one. Suppose old account is x2319a02, new one is x2568a02. Do this in a screen session to avoid the process getting killed by the login node if it exceeds 15 minutes limit.

grep -I -r x2319a02 \*|cut -d: -f1|sort|uniq|xargs -I {} sed -i 's/x2319a02/x2568a02/g' {}

6. (UC) Your RunFolder is /scratch/x2568a02/UC/RunFolder 
7. (CWNU) Your RunFolder is /scratch/x2568a02/CWNU/RunFolder 

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