
Added during sprint

  1. Sim Atlas
    1. Documentation
    2. Fix the Google Analytics to support Google Analytics 4
    3. Make the current repo to be archived
    4. Create a public repo - make sure no credentials on a public repo
    5. Make the backend run as a service instead of using tmux/screen to run on a development server - sim_atlas_dev.service on 1P
    6. Use the old Flask app as an image server - PGA/PGV/SRF - no longer needed
      1. No need to keep the older version. Using the current API server and let it serves some static images
    7. Fixed the broken image box - Only add to a Map layer if SRF image is available


Completed Issues

  • Sim Atlas
    1. Documentation
    2. Fix the Google Analytics to support Google Analytics 4
    3. Make the current repo to be archived
    4. Create a public repo - make sure no credentials on a public repo - public repo
    5. Make the backend run as a service instead of using tmux/screen to run on a development server - sim_atlas.service on 1P
    6. Use the old Flask app as an image server - PGA/PGV/SRF - no longer needed
      1. No need to keep the older version. Using the current API server and let it serves some static images
    7. Fixed the broken image box - Only add to a Map layer if SRF image is available

Plan for next sprint

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