This page is prepared for Chris de la Torre and Andrew Stolte to access Jupyterhub and collaborate with Sung

Chris and Andrew's account have been already created.

Go to and log in

Open Terminal, which gives you Bash terminal

You can also find Terminal menu here:

Your home directory is /data/%USERNAME% and all the shared data is kept in /data/sharing/QuakeCoRE. (See if you can go into the directory first)

Enter the following commands

cp /data/sharing/QuakeCoRE/Ancillary_tools/CPT_Vsz_Vs30/*.ipynb ~/

Open nz_cpt_process.ipynb

On Jupyter Notebook, Enter means "next line", and Shift+Enter means "execute the code in the box (cell)"

You can run all cells or selectively through the run menu

If something goes wrong, you could restart Kernel.


To avoid runs from different setting overwriting existing data, a timestamp has been introduced.

When you run nz_cpt_process, at the top, it prints the timestamp.

When you run geology_id_for_new_vs30, use this timestamp

The data created during run are kept under /data/<username>/Data/cpt/outdir/20210831_1103

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