
  1. Vahid:
    1. Training to run real stations only (Sung, Structured)

    2. Make sure Vahid can run RotD (Sung, Structured)
    3. Event status file aggregation script (Sung, Structured)
    4. Remove LM events from MM runs (Sung, execution)
    5. Add new OpenSees models (Sung, Structured)
  2. Re run refiltered large and moderate mag obs data (James, Execution)
  3. Fill in empirical run config parameters (Jonney, structured)
  4. Run flatfile 2 residual for subduction with GMPE configuration (James, Execution)
    1. Other related stuff for Robin too (James, Execution)
  5. Hikurangi Wellington max post processing (James, Execution)
    1. Plot of Hikurangi non planar geometry
  6. Run median Moderate Mag validation with srfs from genslip 3.3 on Kisti (Jonney, Execution)
  7. Meeting with Chris DLT about BB site response simulation (James, Jason, Sung)
  8. Poster for annual meeting (James) (QCAM end of next sprint)
  9. Troubleshooting HF and maui environment issues with Mike (James)


GMPE Kuehn global (base) vs NZ (changed)

Completed Issues

  1. Vahid:
    1. Training to run real stations only (Sung, Structured)

    2. Make sure Vahid can run RotD (Sung, Structured)
    3. Remove LM events from MM runs (Sung, execution)
  2. Re run refiltered large and moderate mag obs data (James, Execution)
  3. Fill in empirical run config parameters (Jonney, structured)
  4. Run flatfile 2 residual for subduction with GMPE configuration (James, Execution)
    1. Other related stuff for Robin too (James, Execution)
  5. Troubleshooting HF and maui environment issues with Mike (James)


  1. Vahid:
    1. Event status file aggregation script (Sung, Structured)
    2. Add new OpenSees models (Sung, Structured)
  2. Hikurangi Wellington max post processing (James, Execution)
    1. Plot of Hikurangi non planar geometry
  3. Run median Moderate Mag validation with srfs from genslip 3.3 on Kisti (Jonney, Execution)
  4. Meeting with Chris DLT about BB site response simulation (James, Jason, Sung)
  5. Poster for annual meeting (James) (QCAM end of next sprint)

Initial Plan for next sprint

  1. Vahid:
    1. Event status file aggregation script (Sung, Structured) 
    2. Add new OpenSees models (Sung, Structured)
  2. Poster for annual meeting (James) (QCAM end of sprint)
  3. Documentation for new VM gen (Ground motion simulation run manual (20p07)) (Sung)
  4. Hikurangi Wellington max post processing (James, Execution)
    1. Plot of Hikurangi non planar geometry
  5. Run median Moderate Mag validation with srfs from genslip 3.3 on Kisti (Jonney, Execution)
  6. Add GC2 Rx/Ry distance calulations (Structured, Jonney?)

Plan for following sprint

  1. Meeting with Chris DLT about BB site response simulation (James, Jason, Sung)


Hikurangi Wellington 100m simulations (HikWgtnmax)

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