


  1. Qp/Qs testing (Execution, James)
    1. Hikurangi
    2. Mod mag event (2958743)
  2. Workflow IM component selection (vertical) (Structured, James)
  3. Advanced IMs PR (Structured, Jonney)
    1. Automated workflow PR
    2. Station checkpointing
  4. (Horizontal component IM_calc) (Jonney)
  5. Contact Rob Graves regarding FDZ and Q progress


Hikurangi Q value comparison on Hamilton Boys High School station


  1. Qp/Qs runs completed
    1. Documentation on wikipage (Analysis of Q model on the RTVZ)
    2. The E-P model increases Q values, decreasing attenuation and therefore increasing intensities
  2. Vertical component changes implemented
    1. Automated workflow can pass multiple components to IM_calc.
    2. Multiple IMs computed without issue.
    3. rotd needs increased time for longer/larger events
  3. Advanced IM integration
    1. IM_calc branch pulled into master


  1. Bugs with Q model loading implementation caused initial delays, resolved now


  1. Horizontal component
  2. Advanced IM automated workflow integration

Initial Plan for next sprint

  1. Advanced IMs (Jonney)
    1. Automated workflow integration (Structured)
    2. Checkpointing on IM_calc end (Structured)
    3. Work with Vahid directly to verify environment and import new models (Execution/Structured (minor))
  2. Intermediate IMs (Sung)
    1. MDOF matlab verificiation failed (Structured)
    2. IESD parameter adjustment (Prototype?)
  3. Observed horizontal components (IM_calc) (Structured, James)
  4. Ethans estimation model integration (Structured, Jonney)
  5. Contact with Rob Graves (James)
  6. Hikurangi runs (Execution, James)
  7. Q model generation with basins (in Python) (Structured, Viktor)
  8. (VM generation refactor) (Structured, Sung)


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