
The hazard calculations for v18p5, which contains all crustal shallow finite faults on NZ is based on the post-processing code results. The post-processing produces a SQLite database that is queried to obtain for a station every value for a given IM. This is quite straightforward as this uses several SQL queries to achieve the result.


The SQLite database has been abandoned. We now use the IM_calculation code which produces an IM csv file for each realisation (run name).

After running the IM calculation we end up with the following structure:


IM aggregation is run on these by running the command:

IM_calculation/aggregation/im_agg.py <run_group_dir>

Which produces the following outputs (one file per IM, im_name):


Each csv contains:

station,  run_name_1, run_name_2, ..., run_name_N
station1, value1_1,   value2_1,   ..., valueN_1
station2, value1_2,   value2_2,   ..., valueN_2
stationM, value1_M,   value2_M,   ..., valueN_M

Size comparison

I have re-run the IM calculations on v18p5 (North Island faults). The new format produced 3.6G of data, whereas the DB based solution used 9.5GB.


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