Map showing selected location

We now have a map that interacts with users input.

There are two ways of interacting with the map.

Users can put as many decimals as they want (I tested up to 30 decimal points and still got a pin on the map)

However, if users are trying to type Lat and/or Lng that is out of range, we will give users feedback with appropriate range. (This is a placeholder, production version will have something different)

For example, this is what users currently see.

Users can also click the map directly to get coordinates. (For this case in returns with 13 decimal points)

In the end, we send a request to our IntermediateAPI with 4DP to retrieve station.

Download data

We currently have Hazard Curve, Disaggregation and Uniform Hazard Spectrum under Seismic Hazard tab.

Each section have its own unique plots/data.

For example,

By clicking the Download Data button, downloading data in zip format as following

Fix UHS/Disaggregation

With the current version of GMHazard, when users change any of these variables, it updates other variables as well, except Years. Years is a fixed value for calculation, it can only be changed by users.

Demo Video



Return period

Annual Probability

Currently, calculation happens 1 second after uses stopped typing.

Now, we are getting a station from users Lat&Lng in Site Selection tab instead of computing Hazard Curve that is inside Seismic Hazard

This is related to Get Station fix, as the previous version of GMHazard was getting station by computing Hazard Curve but we needed a station to get the right data for UHS.

Now, we are getting station information from first tab, Site Selection, regardless of computing Hazard Curve, users can jump straight into UHS to retrieve information.

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