script makes various plots in order to verify the SRFs and VMs and their corresponding parameters (which are the inputs of any CS run):

git clone 

github/ucgmsim/Pre-processing/SrfGen/NHM/ --srf-dir <autosrf> --vm-dir <autovm> --selection-file <nhm_selection> --out-dir <outputs>

Sample outputs: 
All parameters are optional but there is no point in running unless --vm-dir or --srf-dir are specified which are in the same structure as output by running and respectively.
If selection file is given, text files will be creating that contain any missing items assuming it was used as the input to the above scripts to generate the VMs and SRFs.
The outdir is a directory that will be created to store all outputs (figures and text).

Cybershake v18.6 input verification

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