
  1. follow and edit easybuild recipe used/provided by NeSI
  2. Clone git repo and build it yourself

Method #1:

  1. find any version of opensees module that is available to load in module

    module avail OpenSees
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /opt/nesi/XC50_sles12_skl/modules/all -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    OpenSees/3.0.0-CrayGNU-18.08 OpenSees/3.0.2-CrayGNU-18.08 OpenSees/3.1.0-CrayGNU-18.08
  2. run module show to allocate the path of the module

    module show OpenSees/3.1.0-CrayGNU-18.08
    module-whatis     Description: OpenSees is a software framework for developing applications to simulate the performance of structural and geotechnical systems subjected to earthquakes. 
    module-whatis     Homepage: 
    conflict     OpenSees 
    module         load CrayGNU/18.08 
    module         load Tcl/8.6.7-CrayGNU-18.08 
    module         load cray-tpsl 
    module         load METIS/.4.0.3-CrayGNU-18.08 
    module         load SuperLU/.5.2.1-CrayGNU-18.08 
    module         load arpack-ng/.3.6.3-CrayGNU-18.08 
    module         load MUMPS/.4.10.0-CrayGNU-18.08-metis-4.0.3 
    prepend-path     PATH /opt/nesi/XC50_sles12_skl/OpenSees/3.1.0-CrayGNU-18.08/bin 
    setenv         EBROOTOPENSEES /opt/nesi/XC50_sles12_skl/OpenSees/3.1.0-CrayGNU-18.08 
    setenv         EBVERSIONOPENSEES 3.1.0 
    setenv         EBDEVELOPENSEES /opt/nesi/XC50_sles12_skl/OpenSees/3.1.0-CrayGNU-18.08/easybuild/OpenSees-3.1.0-CrayGNU-18.08-easybuild-devel 
  3. edit the easybuild recipe to your liking (version, and build options)
    an example of successfully built easybuild-config:OpenSees-3.2.0-CrayGNU-18.08.eb

Method #2:

  1. clone the repository
  2. If TCL is available in module, use ldd to find the library to link

    $which tclsh
    $ ldd /usr/bin/tclsh => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007f757cb51000)
  3. edit the Makefile.def to link to correct Tcl lib
  4.  If you are building MP/SP version, you'll need to build SuperLU and etc.

example of Makefile.def : Makefile.def

Building OpenSeesMP:

critical dependencies:

  1. SuperLU ( SuperLU_DIST will be using the one come with opensees)
  2. METIS
  4. MUMPS
  5. Tcl

All above modules must be built before attemping to build OpenSeesMP

If vendor provided TPSL ( third-party scientific libraries ), try use it first instead of rebuilding, may save you some time.

example of easybuild config:

easyblock = 'MakeCp'
name = 'OpenSees'
version = '3.2.0'
metis_version = '4.0.3' #'5.1.0'
homepage = ''
description = "OpenSees is a software framework for developing applications to simulate the performance of structural and geotechnical systems subjected to earthquakes."
toolchain = {'name': 'CrayGNU', 'version': '18.08'}
toolchainopts = {'pic': True, 'usempi': True}
source_urls = ['']
sources = ['v%(version)s.tar.gz']
dependencies = [
    ('cray-tpsl', EXTERNAL_MODULE),
    ('Tcl', '8.6.7'),
    ('METIS', metis_version),
    ('SuperLU', '5.2.1'),
    ('arpack-ng', '3.6.3'),
    ('MUMPS', '4.10.0', '-metis-%s' % metis_version), #'5.1.2', '-metis-%s' % metis_version),
hiddendependencies = [
    ('cray-tpsl', EXTERNAL_MODULE),
    ('METIS', metis_version),
    ('SuperLU', '5.2.1'),
    ('arpack-ng', '3.6.3'),
    ('MUMPS', '4.10.0', '-metis-%s' % metis_version), #'5.1.2', '-metis-%s' % metis_version),
MAKEFILE = 'Makefile.def.MAUI'
patches = [
prebuildopts = 'rm -f Makefile.def && cp "MAKES/%s" ./Makefile.def && mkdir -p lib && mkdir -p bin && ' % MAKEFILE
# With this OpenSees version the 'PARALLEL_INTERPRETERS' mode (ie: OpenSeesMP) apparently still requires
# the mumps.o hack from OpenSees_EB_Makefile_v4.def, but the more useful OpenSeesSP does not.
_expected_executables = ['OpenSees' + {'SEQUENTIAL':'', 'PARALLEL_INTERPRETERS':'MP', 'PARALLEL':'SP'}[m] for m in _MODES]
buildopts = ['all HOME=`pwd` PROGRAMMING_MODE='+m for m in _MODES]
files_to_copy = [(["bin/*"], "bin"), "Makefile.def"]  # get repeatedly copied if len(MODES)>1, so no dirs
sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['bin/'+f for f in _expected_executables],
    'dirs': ["."],
parallel = 8
moduleclass = 'cae'

makefile used for OpenSeesMP on maui: Makefile.def.MAUI

*The OpenSees_EB_Makefile_v4.def was not used when comiling one Maui, but uploaded here as a reference just in case.  OpenSees_EB_Makefile_v4.def

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