

.deb package was not possible to download/install, possibly due to the age of Ubuntu.

Download .war

To run this off , we need to set up NGINX as following (assuming we stick to the default 8080 port)

    location ^~ /jenkins/ {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
        # pass headers and body along
        proxy_pass_request_headers on;
        proxy_pass_request_body on;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

In my case, I downloaded .war file, so started Jenkins with a prefix

(py37env) seb56@ucquakecore1p:~$ java -jar jenkins.war --prefix=/jenkins

If a custom port is needed, use --httpPort=9090 option.

If a proper Jenkins installation package was downloaded and installed, it should be started as a service. If not, start it with

sudo service jenkins start

If .war file was downloaded, you could make a service based on this.

#copy this to /etc/systemd/system
#sudo systemctl daemon-reload
#sudo systemctl [start|stop|restart|status] this_service
#sudo systemctl enable this_service #to start on boot

Description=Jenkins Service

User=seb56. # this will enforce Jenkins is run as "you (seb56)" and /home/seb56/.jenkins is run dir
ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar /home/seb56/jenkins.war --prefix=/jenkins


Then install it as a service (and test)

(sudo systemctl daemon-reload)

sudo systemctl enable jenkins

sudo systemctl start jenkins

Setting up Jenkins : Global configuration (one-off)

This is a one-off set up, and hopefully we don't need to do this again. Documenting here just in case we decide to host it somewhere else, not on EC2. It was not the most straight-forward process to set things up. 

The below instruction was originally written for Jenkins 2.277.1, and was verified for 2.361.4

Need to install plug-ins for GitHub integration. This is the complete list of plug-ins I ended up with. Some of them were installed to meet the dependency. Some of them may have been installed unnecessarily during my investigation. Bold items are probably essential ones. It will be good to identify only essential plugins to minimise the EC2 disk usage - but all of below takes only 404Mb.

  1. ace-editor
  2. antisamy-markup-formatter
  3. apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api
  4. bootstrap4-api
  5. bouncycastle-api
  6. branch-api
  7. checks-api
  8. cloudbees-folder
  9. command-launcher
  10. credentials-binding
  11. credentials
  12. display-url-api
  13. durable-task
  14. echarts-api
  15. embeddable-build-status
  16. font-awesome-api
  17. ghprb
  18. git-client
  19. github-api
  20. github-branch-source
  21. github
  22. github-pullrequest
  23. git
  24. git-server
  25. gradle
  26. handlebars
  27. icon-shim
  28. jackson2-api
  29. jdk-tool
  30. job-dsl
  31. jquery3-api
  32. jquery-detached
  33. jsch
  34. junit
  35. ldap
  36. lockable-resources
  37. mailer
  38. matrix-auth
  39. matrix-project
  40. momentjs
  41. node-iterator-api
  42. okhttp-api
  43. pam-auth
  44. pipeline-build-step
  45. pipeline-github
  46. pipeline-graph-analysis
  47. pipeline-input-step
  48. pipeline-milestone-step
  49. pipeline-model-api
  50. pipeline-model-definition
  51. pipeline-model-extensions
  52. pipeline-rest-api
  53. pipeline-stage-step
  54. pipeline-stage-tags-metadata
  55. pipeline-stage-view
  56. plain-credentials
  57. plugin-util-api
  58. popper-api
  59. resource-disposer
  60. scm-api
  61. script-security
  62. slack
  63. snakeyaml-api
  64. ssh-credentials
  65. ssh-slaves
  66. structs
  67. timestamper
  68. token-macro
  69. trilead-api
  70. variant
  71. workflow-aggregator
  72. workflow-api
  73. workflow-basic-steps
  74. workflow-cps-global-lib
  75. workflow-cps
  76. workflow-durable-task-step
  77. workflow-job
  78. workflow-multibranch
  79. workflow-scm-step
  80. workflow-step-api
  81. workflow-support
  82. ws-cleanup  : Workspace clean up after build

Check if you have a node. Go to Manage Jenkins> Manage Nodes and Clouds. If the list is empty, create one. # of executors can be as many as CPU cores.

Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System.  Give Jenkins URL [], and leave other fields blank.

Go down to GitHub section.

Initially, this part can be a little tricky. If you already have a credential available, you may be able to choose one from the drop-down list. Otherwise, click "Add" and you should be able to see "Jenkins". If you don't, perhaps you don't have a credential-related plugin. See the list above and compare with your installed plugins.

Try Add>Jenkins and see if you get a pop-up window like this. 

But first, you need to create a Github personal token (Classic). Follow this instruction. you need to select the Personal access tokenlatest/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token

Copy and paste this access token (good idea to keep it somewhere safe), and save it as a "Secret Text". It will be given a random ID, but it's a good idea to give a description.

Select this new credential and click "Test connection" to see if it works. 

(If you can't get the new credential added, go to Dashboard>Manage Jenkins>Manage Credentials > Credentials> System > Global credentials (unrestricted)
System>Global credentials >Add Credentials)

Now, go to GitHub Pull Request Builder.

Again, use the credentials created above. I had "Auto-manage webhooks" turned on, but perhaps we don't want it (to be discussed later).

I had some customisation done for the build result. Completely optional.

Setting up a new repository

Click "New Item". 

Enter a name and choose to "copy from" qcore, an existing item. (If you want to start from scratch, choose Pipeline).

Then all the fields are already filled for you. If you are copying from an existing item, just follow the instruction in Bold face (only 2 places to fix)

(Note: Even if you have no existing one, don't panic - see the screenshots below and should be easy to figure things out (added 28 Oct 2021))

Fix Project url.

Make sure "This project is parameterized" is turned on, and a String parameter "ghprbActualCommit" is given a Default value "master". 

This is the name of branch you can assign when you manually trigger the test. (To be discussed again later)

Go to Build Triggers and select GitHub Pull Request Builder.

Click "Advanced" and you will see the dialog expands like below. 

You will need "Build every pull request automatically without asking (Dangerous!)" turned on.

Select "GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling". 

Fix Repository URL.

The credentials should be made for the user@host to access git repository. I had jenkins user's registered on GitHub, and copied this user's private key to Jenkins credential list. 

(Go to Dashboard>Manage Jenkins>Manage Credentials> Stores scoped to Jenkins>Jenkins>Global credentials (unrestricted)>Add Credentials and select "SSH Username with private key" to add a private key. Username should be user@host, matching the end of the public key (Added Oct 28, 2021)) 

Branch specifier should be ${ghprbActualCommit}, so that the name of the branch specified by this parameter will be built (ie. tested) 

Click "Advanced" and make sure Refspec is +refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*

And finally, Additional Behaviours needs to be "Wipe out repository & force clone". 

Ensure that Lightweight checkout is off.

This doesn't clean up the workspace straight after the build, but before starting a new build. The only way to have a proper post-build clean-up is to create an item as a "Freestyle project", where you can specify "Delete workspace when build is done" as an Post-build action, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to get this working with Github.


I was having this error:  "source: not found" was the important part. Turned out that Jenkins was using "sh" not "bash" by default on Ubuntu box. This can be fixed by Manage Jenkins> Configure System and editing Shell. 

Configuring GitHub repo

Navigate to a repository Settings>Webhooks.

Set Payload URL to be http://jenkinsURL/ghprbhook/  (eg.

Content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded and copy the GitHub access token as "Secret" 

(All the sources I looked at said it should be application/json, and no mention about Secret. Don't know...this worked for me.)

Choose "Let me select individual events" and just add Pull requests.

Apparently Jenkins automatically adds another webhooks, gets triggered by every push. It looks like

Possibly it is due to having "Auto-manage webhooks" in Jenkins global setting. Perhaps we can delete this additional webhook. (Added: Yes. Can be deleted. 28/10/2021)

Under Branches, "Require status check to pass before merging" will enforce the pull request to have auto test passed. Jenkins test is given a dull name "default" here and this is automatically added after passing an auto-triggered test. But I had to manually remove Travis-CI from this list to migrate from Travis-CI to Jenkins. It was tricky as a pull request kept demanding Travis-CI test to pass, which I didn't want anymore!

Writing a Jenkinsfile

You need Jenkins file at the root directory of the repo. This can be pretty powerful with a stiff learning curve, 

But I just wanted to make the migration with minimum effort. So lots of things done here may not be a standard Jenkins-way, installing requirements, working with docker etc.

Here is one example Jenkinsfile (from )

Notice that sh """ ..... """ can contain multi-line shell commands. Bear in mind that its scope is contained. Another sh """...""" block starts another shell, so setting a variable etc will not be useful.  That is why I activate virtual environment everytime I started sh block. In fact, setting a variable didn't even work within the same sh block, and I haven't figured out why.

env.WORKSPACE is the directory where git clone placed the code, and env.JOB_NAME is the name of repository.  All predefined environment parameters are printed out by "env" command. 

I had to put extra effort on data files, and symbolic links, docker -v option to mount directory to minimize the storage usage of EC2.

Also docker --user option was used to run the docker as "jenkins" (created this uid and gid inside the docker image), otherwise whatever is happening inside docker will write files as root to the directories mounted with -v option,. After test, the user "jenkins" won't be able to delete automatically, failing tearing down process, ultimately leaving unwanted files wasting EC2 storage!

$HOME has thrown issues with the later version of Jenkins, if you get a Java error this is most likely the case and you should replace $HOME with the actual directory path

pipeline {
    agent any 
    stages {
	stage('Install dependencies and download data') {
	    steps {
		echo "Dependencies"
		sh """
	        source /var/lib/jenkins/py3env/bin/activate
		cd ${env.WORKSPACE}
		pip install -r requirements.txt
                echo ${env.JOB_NAME}
		rm -rf /tmp/${env.JOB_NAME}
                mkdir -p /tmp/${env.JOB_NAME}/sample0
                cd /tmp/${env.JOB_NAME}
                git clone
		cd qcore
		ln -s $HOME/data/testing/slurm_gm_workflow/SGMW /tmp/${env.JOB_NAME}/build
		cd /tmp/${env.JOB_NAME}/sample0
		cp -r $HOME/data/testing/slurm_gm_workflow/PangopangoF29_HYP01-10_S1244/* . 
        stage('Run regression tests') {
            steps {
                echo "Run pytest through docker: To avoid root writing temp files in workspace, copy files into docker's filesystem first" 
		sh """
		docker run --rm  -v /tmp/${env.JOB_NAME}/qcore:/home/jenkins/qcore -v ${env.WORKSPACE}:/home/jenkins/slurm_gm_workflow -v /tmp/${env.JOB_NAME}/build/bins:/home/jenkins/bins -v /tmp/${env.JOB_NAME}/build/usr_lib:/home/jenkins/lib -v /tmp/${env.JOB_NAME}/sample0:/home/jenkins/slurm_gm_workflow/sample0 --user `id -u`:`id -g` sungeunbae/qcore-ubuntu-tiny bash -c "
		export PATH=/home/jenkins/bins/usr/bin:/home/jenkins/bins/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin;
		export PYTHONPATH=/home/jenkins/lib/python3.6/dist-packages:/home/jenkins/slurm_gm_workflow;
		cd /home/jenkins/qcore;
		python install --user;
		cd  /home/jenkins/slurm_gm_workflow;
		pytest -vs --ignore testing/test_manual_install &&
		pytest --black --ignore=testing;"
    post {
	always {
                echo 'Tear down the environments'
		sh """
		rm -rf /tmp/${env.JOB_NAME}/*
		docker container prune -f


For more advanced example, see

The status of each stage is recorded as below.

Trigger a Build manually

A pull request will automatically trigger a build, and it will find what branch it is, and merge it into master before running a test.

However, if you wish to test a branch manually, click "Build with Parameters" and specify the name of branch (ghprbActualCommit). By default, it is "master" as we did in Jenkins repo configuration.

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