Reasons to remove Field codes

  • If EndNote refuses to format only a few references in your essay, it may be quicker to remove the field codes and edit the difficult references by hand, than by modifying your EndNote Library and the Style you have selected
  • If you are going to submit an electronic copy of a paper to a publisher
  • If you want to open your paper in different versions of Word


When field codes are removed, the link to the EndNote library is removed. This should only be done as a last step, after the document has been formatted in the style you selected. The document is saved as a copy and converted to formatted text. The document cannot be reformatted later.

To remove field codes

  • Open the formatted paper in Word
  • Copy the document if it is your master copy
  • Continue with the copied document
  • Select Tools > EndNote X6 > Convert to Plain Text

Keep the original document, as it is the master copy that you will have to use if you wish to add or remove any references using EndNote.

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