SSH to Maui/Mahuika

Add the following to ~/.ssh/config

Host p7login
    User seb56
    ServerAliveInterval 300
    ServerAliveCountMax 2

Host hypocentre
    User seb56
    HostName hypocentre
    ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p p7login
    ServerAliveInterval 300
    ServerAliveCountMax 2
    ControlMaster auto
    ControlMaster no
    ControlPath ~/.ssh/sockets/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r
    ControlPersist 1

Run the following two lines of command, one at a time. Enter your UC password for the first command  then your Hypocentre password for the second.

It will add your public key to the host so that you don't need to enter password again.

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh p7login "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh hypocentre "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

Test SSH connection to Hypocentre. 

(python3_maui) baes@maui01: ~$ ssh hypocentre
(py365) seb56@hypocentre ~ $

This means you can remotely copy files from NeSI to Hypocentre. Suppose you have "hello" in your currently directory and you want to copy it to your home directory at Hypocentre.

(python3_maui) baes@maui01: ~$ scp ./hello hypocentre:~/
hello                                                                               100%   12     0.0KB/s   00:00