The current default IM calculations are: PGA, PGV, CAV, AI, Ds575, Ds595, MMI, pSA

The default periods pSA is calculated at are:  0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0

This can be extended into a logspace from 0.01 to 10 at 100 steps in base 10

An intermediate range of periods is to be determined for use in Seistech for UHS / empirical calculations

Intensity MeasureStatusNotes

Cython - works well


Very Slow / unvectorised
Advanced IMs

Current implemented models: SAC_Steel_MF_9Story, SAC_Steel_MF_3Story, Steel_MF_5Story

To be implemented models:

Taghavi and Miranda (TM05)

Viktor is translating, James to verify/test

Proposed I'm name is TM05_aX_cY_Zs

X is alpha, Y is C and Z is the period specified.

  a = 0,   1.5,   5,   15,   30  c = 0.02,   0.05,   0.1  T1 = 0.1,   0.4,   0.7,   1.5,   3.0

We will need a further discussion to classify this as a advanced IM or a simple IM

Fourier Spectra
Robin in doing preliminary work at the moment
Directionality (via SA RotD100/RotD50)
Ratio of elastic spectra to inelastic spectra
Same paper as above
period-to-period SA correlations
Future work (how do we validate with empirical)