1. Show all info under a account (nesi00213)

sacctmgr show account WithAssoc where name=nesi00213 cluster=maui format=user,cluster,GrpTRESMins%30

this will show :

1.all users under nesi00213

2. current rules under GrpTRESMins

      User    Cluster                    GrpTRESMins 
---------- ---------- ------------------------------
    jpa198       maui                                
schoenher+       maui                                
     cbs51       maui                                
   rgraves       maui                                
     tdn27       maui                billing=1959124 
     sjn87       maui                 billing=870000 
      leer       maui                                
 thomsonem       maui                                
    jmotha       maui                                
  sharmila       maui                                
     cde62       maui                                
     hnr12       maui                                
     kta54       maui                                
  ddempsey       maui                          cpu=0 
 riffaultj       maui                                
     ykh22       maui               billing=31360630 
  bradleyb       maui                                
     kmf76       maui                                
jagdish.v+       maui                                
melody.zhu       maui                                
richard.c+       maui                                
    jeongs       maui                                
      baes       maui                                
     vap30       maui                                
   ksaslam       maui                                
daniel.la+       maui 

Removing the 'cluster=' clause will make it show info for all clusters.

Removing the 'format=' will make it show all fields.

2. Show share info for a specific user

sshare -A nesi00213 -u tdn27 --cluster maui --format user,GrpTRESRaw%110,GrpTRESMins

GrpTRESRaw contains the 'live' usage-data slurm stored.

GrpTRESMins constains current rule/restriction a user is under.
      User                                                                                                     GrpTRESRaw                    GrpTRESMins 
----------                                                          ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 
     tdn27                       cpu=1472782,mem=15203689887,energy=0,node=18409,billing=1472782,fs/disk=0,vmem=0,pages=0                billing=1959124


The current way Slurm is installed/setup will have a  two week half-life.

e.g. all numbers under GrpTRESRaw will decay every 5 minutes, with a rate that would halve it in 14 days.
every 5 minute the numbers are multiplied by (1-0.000124008)

3. Set Rules for a User

Lets say will want to give tdn27 4k core hours.

the result from step2 shows that he currently has 1472782


*60 is because its in minutes, instead of hours
*2 is because its hyperythreaded

sacctmgr modify user where name=tdn27 account=nesi00213 cluster=maui set GrpTRESMins=billing=1959124

This command will give the user 4k CH.

because of the decay period, this step has to be constantly updated, or user will have free usage every few days.

4. Extra Notes

Combination with Historic usage from Dash board will be more precise and less manual work ( not yet implemented)


