Inversion for 10 iterations

Waveform comparison

Misfit distribution before (gray) and after (red) inversion

Log scale

Normal scale

Misfit and step length after iterations

Plane view comparison of the initial and inverted models at 2km depth



Plane views of the inverted models at 2km depth with coast lines

New inversion using 98 events with rwm<4 for each individual windowed seismogram, no time shift applied:

Examples of simulated waveform  vs observed data, the measurements include time-window (underline), relative waveform misfit (rwm), normalized correlated coefficients (NCC) and optimal time shift (Td_max).

Simulated waveform  vs observed data after 2 iterations

Plane view comparison of the initial and inverted models at 2km depth

Plane view of the perturbation between initial and inverted models at 2km depth

RWM distribution before and after inversion