Advanced IMs

Phase 1:

Running opensees code using IM_Calc as a wrapper (IM_calc takes opensees path, advanced IM configuration file, and what IMs to calculate)

Takes an optional configuration file to specify advanced IMs and the script to run it

Multiple stations are handled by IM_calc code and a single station waveform is passed to OpenSees

Phase 2:

Each model takes in all waveforms for one station and handles it internally. (I.E. configuration in each model)

Removal of component in the yaml configuration file

Phase 3:

Outputs are returned to the IM_calc code and written out to a file

Phase 4:

The waveform data is passed into OpenSees through arguments rather than writing data to a file

Output csv format:

Station, FEM1_Acc, FEM1_Drift, FEM1_Disp, ...... FEMN_Acc, FEMN_Drift, FEMN_Disp


ACDS, {}, {}, {}, ...... {}, {}, {}

where {} is an array