
To provide data for Amelia about the impact to Infrastructure


1 csv/table for each rupture

-          State highways PGA

-          Rail PGA

-          Bridge abutments PGA

-          Power poles PGA

-          Power cables PGA

-          Cell tower PGA

-          State highways liquefaction probability

-          Rail liquefaction probability

-          Bridge abutments liquefaction probability

-          Power poles liquefaction probability

-          Power cables liquefaction probability

-          Cell tower liquefaction probability

-          State highways landslide probability

-          Rail landslide probability

-          Bridge abutments landslide probability

-          Power poles landslide probability

-          Power cables landslide probability

-          Cell tower landslide probability


1) Get the PGV data for power cables (file with the least nodes) and then subsequently the liquefaction and landslide for a single rupture (One realisation of AlpineF2K).

2) Calculate for all 6 different infrastructure types, aka the 18 files for one realisation.

3a) Write script to be able to compute ls/liq data for a given fault.

3b) Provide the PGV, landslide and liquefaction data (18 files) for 10 faults. After this point we will then be able to scale this up to as many relevant faults as you require.


Created scripts to get ground failure probabilities or im values from hdf5 files.

Created scripts to automatically run these for a list of locations and hdf5 files.

PGA/PGV, landslide, liquefaction data generated for provided locations.