Calculate how many simulation jobs are needed for each fault given a model based on rupture magnitude (such as the one below):

Note that the median rupture magnitude used in this process is based on Leonard 2010 magnitude scaling relationship which differs from the values prescribed in Stirling et al 2012 national hazard model. This file contains the fault name, median rupture magnitude based on Leonard 2010, length, width, and rake of all the finite faults in the national hazard model: Fault_LeonardMag_Length_Width_Rake.txt

A simple code as the one written in matlab (run_C18p6_NumSim.m) can be used to determine the number of simulations for the considered faults:

to do: create a paython version of this code and integrate it  into the workflow.

the  The output is the text file, such as this file for the v18p6 runs:  CS_list_v18p6.txt