IM Calculation Improvement

Submission integrated into automatic workflow

Large simulations chunked during loading and then processed. Memory usage is higher than expected but do not envision any cases where the memory usage exceeds limitations.


Management DB

Improved speed to return jobs needing to be submitted

Added queue, start and end time parameters to be stored in the DB.

Added retries count to automatically retry simulations


Adjustable wall-clock parameter

18p9 run

Selected the runs to be done

Hossack 501r
PaeroaC 167r
Mangatete 334r
AlpineF2K 1r


Testing Plan

Day 1:

Day 1 (night):

Day 2

Day 2 (night)

Day 3

Day n (waiting for storage issues to be fixed)

Day n + 2

Day n + X



Testing Results

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Test - Missing Batch 1 - Cybershake 18p6

This batch was missed because of an issue with large binary files - these submissions were moved from the automatic submission and weren't run.

Was plotted manually for validation.

Test - Wrong Magnitude - Cybershake 18p6

SRF / VM Generated

Simulations Run

Viewing output now

Downloading IMs and plotting on hypocentre

Maui / Mahuika Run

SRF and VM generation running on Mahuika after a sucessful GMT deploy

Still have some issues with plotting SRFs

After some initial simulation tests a fully automated v18p9 is running.

Will analyse metadata from run.

Day N+1
Outstanding Tasks

Permission issue on VMs generated

Automatic plotting of single realisation for each fault

Cleanup of intermediary steps in workflow

Slurm script generation for SRF/VM plotting on Mahuika (including SRF and VM plots)