New version of SeisFinder has both web and CLI features.

The SeisFinder DB is not relying on IMDB anymore. It gets the ims from the csv file. There is a new column called 'im-path' is  added in the SimRun table. The tables IMDB, Station and StationSet are not being used anymore.   

For creating the waveform files, the ll file is created from the binary file for which the bin_path is in SimRun table. The waveform component files (000, 090 and ver) are created on the fly. the new DB structure is shown below.

CLI version

To run for a single location: python <simrunsetname> <eventname> -s <latitude> <longitude> <realisation>
aas105@hypocentre ~/seisfinder2/CLI/event (git)-[event_search] % python v17p9 AlpineF2K -s -43.3 173.0 -r AlpineF2K_HYP01-21_S1244

To run for multiple locations:python <simrunsetname> <eventname> -m <input-location-csvfile> <realisation>
aas105@hypocentre ~/seisfinder2/CLI/event (git)-[event_search] % python v17p9 AlpineF2K -m /home/aas105/seisfinder2/CLI/sample.csv -r AlpineF2K_HYP01-21_S1244

For single location specify the latitude and longitude. For multiple locations specify the csv file path. Sample content of input csv file is shown below:



The output zipfile contains the waveform files of the station along with an intensity measures csv file and a location metadata csv file.

The contents of the zip file for single location is shown below.

The contents of the zip file for multiple locations is shown below.

ims.csv contains the values for station,component,PGA,PGV,CAV,AI,Ds575,Ds595,MMI and pSAs for different periods stating from pSA_0.01 to pSA_10.0.


WEB version

aas105@hypocentre ~/seisfinder2/CLI/event (git)-[event_search] % python                                                                                       
 * Serving Flask app "event_search" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on http://hypocentre:5000/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 213-432-888

In the browser type, 


Choose single/multiple in the selection page.

The screenshots for single location is shown below.

The screenshots for multiple locations is shown below.

The resulting zip files are the same for WEB and CLI versions.