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  2. The latest entry should be at the top.
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    1. Time should be in X.XXX core hours format. eg. 4 hours 20 min * 40 = 4.33*40 = 173.2 

       07/03/2018RobinCanterbury SMM Benchmark192 HF and BB for Canterbury SMM/nesi/transit/nesi00213/RunFolder/leer/leer_VMCant_v1p66_BULLDOZED-h0p100_EMODv3p0p4_180312  20.569.8
      09/03/2018JagdishValentine EQinitial test (job terminated)  320320
      09/03/2018JagdishValentine EQCheck LF consistency b/w Kupe and
      Fitzroy simulations.
      /nesi/transit/nesi00213/RunFolder/jagdish.vyas/14Feb16_VMCant_v1p65_BULLDOZED-h0p100_EMODv3p0p4_180309 626410
      15/03/2018KarimWairauCheck LF consistency with Fitzroy


       LF 675LF 560
      15/03/2018KarimWairauPrelim-Run ds=200, dt=0.01


       LF 243LF 172
      15/03/2018JonneyCybershake v18.4 /nesi/transit/nesi00213/RunFolder/cybershake/v18.4/Runs 352.71 (EMOD3D) 
      19/03/2018JagdishValentine EQ (2 runs)Checking of the effects of squashed topography on LF/nesi/transit/nesi00213/RunFolder/jagdish.vyas/14Feb16_VMCant_v1p65_BULLDOZED-h0p100_EMODv3p0p4_180319 1252