Project Leader (PI): Professor Bruce Glavovic, EQC Chair in Resilience and Natural Hazards Planning, Massey University

Associate Investigators:

Professor Iain White, Waikato University



Project Abstract

This project provides the governance-focused knowledge platform for QuakeCoRE. It is foundational for a proposed 2016-2020 research portfolio to identify institutional barriers and enablers; and the governance structures, processes and practices to enable earthquake resilience and recovery in NZ. This 2016 project: (a) Reviews literature relevant to earthquake resilience and recovery governance, and distils lessons learned and best practices from international experience. This will yield a new conceptualization of earthquake resilience and recovery governance. The synthesis of lessons learned and best practice will be integrated into QuakeCoRE. It will be tested with key governance stakeholders in case studies in years 2-5 to chart alternative governance pathways for NZ communities. (b) Strategically analyzes governance lessons from the Canterbury recovery experience based on 50 new key informant interviews. It builds on a longitudinal study with a database of ±150 completed interviews. (c) Embeds the findings from (a) and (b) in practice through co-production and action research in WREMO Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning and CCC recovery and resilience initiatives. This project will help to institutionalize earthquake resilience and recovery governance by building on, leveraging and complementing research and governance initiatives from National Science Challenges to the Government's law reform and capability building  processes.