For details of .srf, .stoch, .info file format, see File Formats Used On GM

Source Types

There are 6 types of SRF files that can be created. (Example SRF maps below were produced by

Type 1

Point source. appears as 1 plane with 1 subfault. Often used for a small mag event.
Type 2

finite fault. a single plane created from point source attributes; the plane is determined by a magnitude scaling relation (eg. Leonard 2014 )
Type 3

finite fault. a single plane created with specified parameters. 
Type 4

finite fault: multiple planar segment contiguous: varying strike, but constant dip; created by projecting to a planar source then 'wrapping' onto nonplanar shape
Type 5

(Under development) finite fault: multiple planar segment non-contiguous : This can be seen as multiple SRFs combined. Each can have a delay time to synchronise rupture initiation time between cases.
Type 6

(To be developed)  Non-planar (curved) surface.  Preliminary works done  Hikurangi surface geometry

Common Attributes (always available)

type1: point source, 2: finite fault from point source info, 3: single plane, 4: multiple plane
dtslip time step (s)
rakerake angles (type 1-3: single value, type 4: 2D list for cases, fault planes)
magmagnitude (type 1-3: single value, type 4: list for each case)
hlonhypocentre longitude for first fault (degrees)
hlathypocentre latitude for first fault (degrees)
hdepthhypocentre depth for first fault (km)
corners4 corners (longitude, latitude) for each plane. derived parameter (shape of array is nplane, 4 corners, 2 lonlat values).

SRF Plane Attributes (lists with a length matching number of fault planes)

naming taken from qcore/

centretop centre longitude, latitude
nstrikenumber of subfaults along strike
ndipnumber of subfaults along dip
lengthlength (along strike) of fault plane (km)
widthwidth (along dip) of fault plane (km)
strikestrike angle (degrees)
dipdip angle (degrees)
shyphypocentre location along strike from top centre (km), -999.9 for plane extentions
dhyphypocentre location along dip from top edge (km), -999.9 for plane extentions
dtopdepth of top edge (km)
dbottomdepth to bottom of plane, derived parameter (km)

Type 1 (point source) Attributes

vsvs at centroid depth (km/s)

Type 2 (finite fault from point source data) Attributes

mwsrmagnitude scaling relation name

Type 2,3,4.. (finite faults) Attributes

vmvelocity model used (basename)
shyp0distance along strike (km) to hypocentre for each case from top left corner (strike = 0, dip = 0)
dhyp0distance along dip (km) to hypocentre for each case from top left corner (strike = 0, dip = 0)

Optional Attributes (need to check if they exist)

tect_typetectonic type, taken from the NHM file in known options:

How to create source models

We usually create them in two steps.

Step 1.

We create a realisation file (.csv) either from NSH (future) or CMT (historical)


python $gmsim/Pre-processing/srf_generation/source_parameter_generation/ list.txt ../NZ_FLTmodel_2010_v18p6.txt

python $gmsim/Pre-processing/srf_generation/source_parameter_generation/ list.txt GeoNet_CMT_solutions.csv 2 --vel_mod_1d Cant1D_v3-midQ_OneRay.1d 

where, list.txt contains the name of fault (or event) and number of realizations (eg. AlpineF2K 47r) each line.

The latest version of GeoNet_CMT_solutions.csv can be obtained from

Example realisation CSV files 

Step 2. 

Feed the realisation CSV file from Step 1 to script.

python $gmsim/Pre-processing/srf_generation/input_file_generation/ $REL_CSV

This produces an .srf and accompanying .stoch and .info file. See File Formats Used On GM for details of these files