
  1. Meeting to cover #Computing-needs (SW Team 2022 Q4 planning )

Added mid sprint



  1. Meeting for #Computing-needs
  2. Python tutorial for new students



Initial Plan for next sprint

  1. Feedback from students RE 3-6-12 month plan and for git/other plots
  2. Tutorials on GMT and git for students

Tasks pending

  1. Update SDOF rotd calculation
  2. North Island tomography
    1. Run small magnitude validation (execution)
    2. Run moderate magnitude validation (execution)
    3. Run HikWgtnmax curved 100m (James, execution)
  3. Site specific
    1. Run small magnitude validation (execution)
    2. Run moderate magnitude validation (execution)
    3. Run HikWgtnmax curved 100m (James, execution)

Refactor wishlist

  1. Add srf generation steps to automated workflow - In progress
  2. Add median source generation - In progress
  3. rel2vm_params logic refactor
  4. - Make abstract Seis class and make automatic seis loader
    1. Add versioning for HF/BB seis files?
  5. MPI IM_calc
