If you are using EndNote to keep track of your references for a thesis/article/book you will need to take particular care with the following issues
- If you have multiple papers written by the same author, all author entries will need to be the same. EndNote gets confused if you have a Janet Smith, and a Smith J. A.
- Learn how to use the Groups feature in EndNote. This will help keep track of references you need for different subsections of your thesis. You can create Groups that are important to you and click and drag references into these groups. Your Master Reference list still contains the complete listing
- The Notes and Research Notes section can contain up to 9 pages of text. Use this space to store notes about the articles for your literature review
- If you are joining separate files together keep all inserted EndNote References unformatted. Turn off the CWYW feature. Follow the instructions below
How to combine separate files to produce one long document with a single bibliography at the end of the document using the copy and paste method
Copy and Paste method
- Make a copy each chapter to use for your new document
- Using these copies unformat your references: Word > Tools > EndNote X7 > Unformat citations. Save these changes .
- Combine each file in the correct order according to the Table of Contents for your thesis by copying and pasting them into a new document. This can then be saved as a master copy of your thesis
- Using a copy of your final document, Word > Tools > EndNote X7 > Format citations.
- Save your final file with the completed Bibliography