For the instruction here, you need Dropbox UC Enterprise account. Storage | University of Canterbury

UPDATE ( ) : Note that QuakeCoRE's Cybershake archiving is now processed by the in-house-developed automation tool ( ) which uses rclone under the hood. We keep this page for other UC researchers who might find this information interesting.

Already have an access code

If you already have an access code, skip "Getting an Access Token" part.  Just place it at $HOME/.config/rclone/rclone.conf.

This file should look like

type = dropbox
client_id =
client_secret =
token = {"access_token":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}

Make sure you load rclone module.

module add rclone

Getting an Access Token

You need  `rclone` on NeSI/Hypocentre (or whatever Linux box). On NeSI, you can access it with module command on Mahuika (doesn't work on Maui)

module add rclone

If you are on Nurion or other Linux host, you can download rclone from . I tested Linux zip version, and it worked perfectly.

You will be accessing Dropbox via SSH terminal, not via Webbrowser as you do normally, so you need to configure it and get an access code.

Follow the instruction in this page : Dropbox (  - The documentation can be a little bit outdated. Follow the default values until you are asked if you wish to use "autoconfig" - Say No

This will tell you to execute a command `rclone authorize "dropbox"` on a computer that has both web browser and rclone.

Install rclone on your local computer: This step needs a webbrowser so that you can log in to Dropbox and retrive access code.  
Open a command prompt (on Windows) or a terminal (on Mac/Linux), enter `rclone authorize "dropbox"`. This will open a web browser and show you an authorization screen. Select Dropbox (I think it is meant to be Enterprise).

The next page of your webbrowser will say something like "Success" (Sorry, no screenshot). This page itself has no important information. Go back to the terminal (or command prompt screen), and find your code. It says Paste the following into your remote machine......End paste. Copy that.

and go back to the NeSI (or the Linux host where you want to set up rclone) terminal . Paste the code. 

By default, the remote storage name is "remote". I chose to Rename remote to "dropbox" (Option r)

Quit the config. You should have a config file here.


which looks like

type = dropbox
client_id =
client_secret =
token = {"access_token":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","token_type":"bearer","expiry":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}

Notice "dropbox" inside the bracket. This is the remote storage name, which I renamed from the default name "remote"

Using Rclone


rclone lsd dropbox:

If you didn't rename it to "dropbox", it will be

rclone lsd remote:

If you can see a output similar to below, you now have the access to Dropbox. Congratulations.

(python3_mahuika) baes@mahuika01: ~$ rclone lsd dropbox:
          -1 2020-10-20 01:00:56        -1 backup
          -1 2020-10-20 01:00:56        -1 emp_ds

Some useful commands.

List all the files in your dropbox

rclone ls dropbox:

To copy a local directory to a dropbox directory Cybershake/v21p1 (should exist)

rclone copy v21p1 dropbox:Cybershake/v21p1 --progress

Meaning, everything under the directory v21p1 (note: v21p1 itself is excluded) will be copied to Cybershake/v21p1. It doesn't auto-makedir, so you should make a folder named "v21p1" under Cybershake first.

rclone copy {src} dropbox:{dest}

    1. {src} is a file, and {dest} is a file : a simple file copy.
    2. {src} is a file, {dest} is a directory, the file named {src} will be placed under {dest}
    3. {src} is a directory, {dest} is a directory, all files under {src} will be copied to {dest}. No directory of name {src} is made under {dest}
    4. {src} is a directory, {dest} is a file, error.

To copy a single file to a specified location, give the dest file name, for example,

rclone copy Akatore/Akatore_REL01/BB/Acc/BB.bin dropbox:Cybershake/v21p6/v21p6_100m_BB/Akatore/Akatore_REL01/BB/Acc/BB.bin -vv

If desired, you can add a bit more intelligence here.

Suppose we have faults.txt, a list of fault names. We want to back up BB.bin under these faults only.

cat faults.txt |xargs -I {} find {} -name BB.bin |sort |xargs -I {} rclone copy {} dropbox:Cybershake/v21p6/v21p6_100m_BB/{} -vv

To generate a link to file or folder to share

 rclone link dropbox:path [flags]

For more info,  check out