
Duration:  10 Aug  -  21 Aug

completedin progresson holdreviewto do

(vs record 94 completed sprint 54)

  1. Re-run advanced IMs
    1. Support Vahid
    2. 12-story run
  2. SRF gen with roughness (depth only plot and emphasize height at top edge)
  1. Jonney
  2. Viktor
  1. updated and verify ATC_12_Story and Spear_3D
  2. Depth only plot on right side with --depth flag, highlights above ground region.

Plotting SRFs with Roughness (bottom 2 figs)

Ground Motion DB
  1. Hikurangi Geometry
  1. James
  1. N/A - Focus on Moonshine

  1. Running 200m sims LF only - on Maui (starting Merit cycle)
    1. WairarapNich segfault
    2. Re-run remaining errored realisations
  2. Empirical / Cybershake / ratio hazard maps


1a) MoonlightSth_REL11 is finally completing. Everything else done.

Slurm Workflow

  1. CH estimation based on linear regression
    1. Get regression parameters
  2. Integrate with pre-processing (starting with VM)
    1. completed the integration of auto VM
  3. Near-real time Simulation
  4. Integrate NHM 2 SRF :run 50 unperturbed, 50 perturbed 200m of Moonshine
  5. New E2E test - confirm what HF version to use (
  1. Jason / Ethan
  2. Jonney
  3. Jonney
  4. James
  5. James(?)
  1. Waiting on Ethan
  2. creating PR ( huge conflict when trying to merge master)
  3. no-progress.
  4. 3 runs of 50 realisations done, another 50 realisations with mixed perturbations are being run
4. NHM uncertainties
Workflow Calc
  1. 1) BA18 site amp
    1. Validation Comparison
    2. remove fmax cutoff
    3. run for 100m
1) Jason1) Initial investigations done. Robin made conclusions in Tuesday meeting. Need to establish parameters of subsequent tests. Have changed the transfer function to apply for full frequency range.
  1. SeisTech - Front-end hosting on EC2 (Nginx+Kubernetes)
  2. Cancel Azure
  3. Show results of GM Selection
  4. SeisTech - Front-end
    1. Fix input fields and calculation
    2. Tidy up plots
    3. Fix NZCode
    4. Add GMS
    5. Dynamically set the speed for MapBox
  5. Migrated seistech (and benchmark tests) to rcc

  1. Tom/Sung
  2. Sung
  3. Claudio
  4. Tom
  1. Done - Hosting SeisTech on AWS (Docker + nginx)
  2. Done
  3.  Wiki page with GMS parameters
  4. SeisTech - Frontend
    1. Done - Currently set inputs only with number no characters (few exceptions are there) and calculation now happens as soon as keyup event happens (every single typing)
    2. TODO
    3. TODO
    4. TODO
    5. Done - Movement speed between a previous pin to a new pin now varies on the distance between two pins.
  5. Done
  1. SeisTech DEV Version
  2. Ground motion selection
Machine Learning
  1. NN - GMM
    1. Added extra features (hypocentre, fault length)
    2. Added support for multiple datasets (i.e. cybershake, validation)
    3. Re-generate labelled data with realisation perturbations
    4. Selection of fixed validation dataset
    5. Realisation based plots
    6. Estimate covariance
    7. Poster outline
    8. Directivity features
    9. Develop research plan (development, validation, publication)
  1. NN-GMM
    1. Done
    2. Done
    3. Done
    4. Done
    5. Done - (https://uceqeng.slack.com/archives/C75AGR9JR/p1597713922478200)
    6. No progress
    7. Done
    8. In progress

Web/Data Portal

  1. SimAtlas simulation+animation:

    1. More animations!!
    2. record faults that has issues/not-completed in CSv20p4_200
  1. NZVM viewer allow changing depth, upload 400m version, depth to vs30 as well as vs30 at depth
  2.  (unplanned) quakecoresoft.canterbury.ac.nz more utilised.

  1. Jonney
  2. Viktor
  3. Sung

    1. 129 animations
  1. done
  2. Migrated dashboard,vs30, sim_atlas.
  1. e
  2. http://hypocentre:5088
    - and -
    NZVM Web Viewer
  3. Web hosting with quakecoresoft.canterbury.ac.nz
  1. Isilon vs Nearline 25Tb swap
  2. Nobackup Data limit
  1. Sung
  2. Jason
  1. Nearline broken (reported to NeSI)
  2. Need to chat with all nobackup users. And potentially liase with Anthony about Nearline being unavailable.
2. Nobackup Space allocations
  1. Velocity Model basins
    1. 100m simulation run for these stations for the events
  2. RCC VM with Francois and host Seistech Core
  3. Posters draft (A3)
  4. Assist Jay (reagan's PhD)
  1. Jason
  2. Sung
  3. James, Claudio, Viktor, Jason
  1. Most of the waveforms are similar for 100m run. Speculating bulldozed topo is contributing factor. 
  2. .
  3. .
  4. Stuck at attemping to compile newest OpenSeesMP on Maui. (created ticket with NeSI)
1.20p8 Basin Simulation Validation
IM Calc

Bug fixes

Seismic risk

Empirical engine