The documentation is on the SiteTesting GitHub page.


Goal: Develop map indicating physical location of field testing, and point where the data is stored/curated.

Concerns: Multiple testing methods with varying number of sensors, records, levels of analysis, and differing appropriate locations for results. The most complex example is a combined MASW/MAM surface wave test. Data from lots of sensors (with many individual records) are processed together to generate a suite of 1D VS profiles which are attributed to a physical location in the centre of the array. 

Start with a simple testing method: Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio of ambient vibration recordings. A single station is placed at a single station (lon and lat), records a 3-component record, the data is processed to generate an H/V curve. The result is hopefully is an estimate of the fundamental period of vibration (mean and standard deviation). There may be multiple reported periods, each associated with a different peak in the H/V curve (e.g, bedrock, BPV, and Riccarton Gravels in Christchurch).

Goal create a point for each HVSR test with metadata and potentially raw data and processed results.

Metadata Fields:

HVSR Data/Results (for now map is separate from data curation, do don't worry about this):

Each test type (e.g., HVSR, Surface Wave Testing, SCPT) should have it's own pin, icon, token. The colour of the pin indicates the status of test results (e.g., data has been submitted, but not yet reviewed (grey, faded point), data has been reviewed/vetted (black?, solid point). Perhaps use additional colour to indicate data availability (e.g. blue == on design-safe, green == on NZGD, yellow == on database server?, and red == not online (seek contact))

Users should be able to view points on a map, click on the point, look at the point's metadata, and potentially retrieve the data and results). Contributors should be able to add a new test with appropriate metadata. Reviewers should be able look at new tests pending approval, provide feedback if needed, and formally upgrade the point to a solid colour (full approval).