Running hazard search for entire Cybershake on Mahuika

You may wish to install python packages geopy, psycopg2, numpy, pyarrow, etc. Use pip install --user to install missing packages.

pip install geopy, psycopg2, numpy, pyarrow --user

  1. Create a temporary directory. Let's say ~/tmp and copy 2 files to here

    baes@mahuika02: ~/tmp$ cp /nesi/project/nesi00213/deploy/seisfinder2/CLI/hazard_search_config.ini .
    baes@mahuika02: ~/tmp$ cp /nesi/project/nesi00213/deploy/seisfinder2/CLI/hazard/mahuika/ .



  2. Go to ~/tmp and edit hazard_search_config.ini

SQLITE_DB_PATH = /home/baes/seisfinderdb.db

TMPLOCATION_TO_CREATE_HAZARD_FILES = /home/baes/cybershake/v18p6/Hazard/
EMPIRICAL_FILES_LOCATION = /nesi/project/nesi00213/deploy/empiricals/v18p5
FAULT_LIST_CSV_FILE_LOCATION = /nesi/project/nesi00213/deploy/cybershake/v18p6/fault_list.csv
LL_FILE = /nesi/project/nesi00213/deploy/cybershake/v18p6/non_uniform_whole_nz_with_real_stations-hh400_v18p6_land.ll
IM_PATH= /nesi/project/nesi00213/deploy/cybershake/v18p6/IMs


3. Edit, especially the line starting with "srun" at the bottom.

# script version: slurm
# Please modify this file as needed, this is just a sample
#SBATCH --job-name=hazard_search_multi
#SBATCH --account=nesi00213
#SBATCH --partition=prepost
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
####SBATCH --cpus-per-task=36
#SBATCH --time=00:59:00
#SBATCH --output hazard_search_multi-%j.out
#SBATCH --error hazard_search_multi-%j.err
###SBATCH --mail-type=all
###SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=16G
###SBATCH -C avx
#OpenMP+Hyperthreading works well for VM
###SBATCH --hint=nomultithread
srun python /nesi/project/nesi00213/deploy/seisfinder2/site/ -m v18p6 /nesi/nobackup/nesi00213/RunFolder/Cybershake/v18p6/non_uniform_whole_nz_with_real_stations-hh400_v18p6_land.csv SA_5p0

To generate a list of locations .csv from a .ll file, you can use the following command

cat XXX.ll |awk '{ print $2", "$1}' > XXX.csv


4.  Submit this job. 



5. When the job has completed, check the last -10 lines of .out log file.


baes@mahuika02: ~/tmp$ tail -10 hazard_search_multi-85422.out
Instructions in the multicase are not written in extense as it is not useful.                    Please use the scripts below
Please go to hazard/
Then run the scripts created as:
bash /home/baes/cybershake/v18p6/Hazard/hazard_search_v18p6_SA_5p0/
bash /home/baes/cybershake/v18p6/Hazard/hazard_search_v18p6_SA_5p0/
bash /home/baes/cybershake/v18p6/Hazard/hazard_search_v18p6_SA_5p0/
Note: The IM_VALUE and EXCEEDANCE should be adjusted on the deagg_* scripts
Mon Sep  3 03:30:39 UTC 2018

This means it has created a temp directory /home/baes/cybershake/v18p6/Hazard/hazard_search_v18p6_SA_5p0 and  placed empirical files (symbolic links) and bash scripts that contain Python commands. 

6. Let's call this temp location  a working directory.

7. There is in the working directory.  For entire cybershake, this can be very very long. We will be using SLURM's parallel for loop to run this in parallel, but it needs to be split to avoid SLURM complaining about too many lines. This involves quite a bit of steps, but it can be largely automated by executing Go to the working directory, and execute it. You just need to supply the path to the working directory.

baes@mahuika02: ~/cybershake/v18p6/Hazard/hazard_search_v18p6_SA_5p0 $ bash /nesi/project/nesi00213/deploy/seisfinder2/site/mahuika/ .

The above does EVERYTHING for you. It copies the .sl template to the working directory, splits the, and generates all the .sl files ready for submission.

8. Submit jobs: sbatch each .sl or use, which submits all the jobs at one.


baes@mahuika02: ~/cybershake/v18p6/Hazard/hazard_search_v18p6_SA_5p0$ bash ./
Submitted batch job 69390
Submitted batch job 69391
Submitted batch job 69392
Submitted batch job 69393
Submitted batch job 69394
Submitted batch job 69395
Submitted batch job 69396
Submitted batch job 69397
Submitted batch job 69398
Submitted batch job 69399
Submitted batch job 69400
Submitted batch job 69401
Submitted batch job 69402
Submitted batch job 69403
Submitted batch job 69404
Submitted batch job 69405
Submitted batch job 69406
Submitted batch job 69407
Submitted batch job 69408


9. Hazard map: When everything is completed, you can submit the following .sl script that has been automatically generated for you. Just edit the exceedance value if required.  For details, see

baes@mahuika02: ~/cybershake/v18p6/Hazard/hazard_search_5F73LY_baes$ sbatch