Please read the readme @ for instructions on how to run the code.



With command : python ../BB.bin b -o /home/yzh231/ -i Albury_666_999 -r Albury -t s -v 18p3 -n 112A -m PGV pSA -p 0.02 0.03 -e -c geom -np 2


The result is outputted to the following location, where:


All the steps below are to be carried out in hypocentre

1.Generate summary benchmark:

The following steps should only be performed once for each selected binary file

  1. Select a source binary file: /nesi/transit/nesi00213/RunFolder/daniel.lagrava/Kelly_VMSI_Kelly-h0p4_EMODv3p0p4_180531/BB/Cant1D_v2-midQ_leer_hfnp2mm+_rvf0p8_sd50_k0p045/Kelly_HYP01-03_S1244/Acc/BB_with_siteamp.bin
  2. Identify corresponding databse for the selected source binary file: /home/nesi00213/RunFolder/wdl16/database_old_pp/database.db
  3. Find the script to extract benchmark im value files from the database in step 2: /nesi/projects/nesi00213/dev/impp_datasets/extract_ims.sql
  4. Create a folder to store benchmark files. eg benchmark_im_sims
  5. Execute extract_ims.sql in database.db 4 times with specified components. eg: 'ver'
  6. Export results to benchmark_im_sims/benchmark_im_sim_ver.csv. Clik OK and don't change anything when 'Export data as csv' window prompts

  7. Repeat step 4 and 5 with different components: '090', '000', 'geom'
  8. Now you have 4 summary benchmark files benchmark_im_sim_090/000/ver/geom.csv

2.Generate test input files

  1. Follow the instruction in Binary Workflow FAQ, we can generate single waveform files. These waveforms are intended for the testing of ascii functionality of Open a python cell

    from qcore.timeseries import BBSeis
    bb = BBSeis('/nesi/transit/nesi00213/RunFolder/daniel.lagrava/Kelly_VMSI_Kelly-h0p4_EMODv3p0p4_180531/BB/Cant1D_v2-midQ_leer_hfnp2mm+_rvf0p8_sd50_k0p045/Kelly_HYP01-03_S1244/Acc/BB_with_siteamp.bin')
    bb.all2txt(self, prefix='/home/$user/benchmark_im_sim_waveforms/', f='acc'):

    Now we have all the waveforms. 

3. Create Test Folder

  1. Create The test folder structure follows Testing Standards for ucgmsim Git repositories
  2. Select 10 stations you want to test and cp corresponding waveforms files to the singel_files directory as below
  3. Copy the source binary file 'BB_with_siteamp.bin' to the input folder
  4. Run 'write_benchmark_csv(sample_bench_path)' function inside to generate 'new_im_sim_benchmark.csv', where 'sample_bench_path' is the folder we created in 1.4 Generate summary_benchmark: benchmark_im_sims. This function should only be run once for each binary file.

NOW you have all the input files ready

4. Run Pytest

Make sure you are currently under the test_calculate_ims folder, run:  

$ pytest -v -s




Checkpointing is needed for IM_calculation due to large job size and limited running time on Kupe. Therefore, we implemented checkpointing to track the current progress of an im_calculation job, and carry on from where the job was interrupted by slurm.

To run checkpointing, first git clone the IM_calculaiton repo, then check out the checkpoint branch

$ git clone
$ git checkout checkpoint

Open im_calc_sl.template, change the IMPATH variable (line 22) to where you have cloned the git repository

# open template
~/IM_calculation-[checkpoint]$ vim im_calc_sl.template
# modify the $IMPATH 
export IMPATH=/home/melody.zhu/IM_calculation

Note, the checkpointing code relies on the input/output directory structure specified in the im_calc_al.template in the checkpoint branch. Failure to match the dir structure will result in runtime error. A quick fix would be modifying the template to suit your own dir structure.


(1) Simulation

Input/output structure defined in im_calc_al.template

Actual input data structure:

The input binary file is under:


The output IM_calc folder is under:

(2) Observed

Input/output structure defined in im_calc_al.template

Actual input data structure:

The output IM_calc folder is under:

Splitting a big slurm

Splitting a big slurm script into several smaller slurms is needed due to the maximum number of lines allowed in a slurm script on Kupe.

Still in the checkpointing branch, Run the script that uses both checkpointing and splitting. The -ml argument specifies the maximum number of lines of python call to Header and footer like  #SBATCH --time=15:30:00, date etc are not included.

Say if the max number of lines allowed in a slurm script is 1000, and your (header + footer) are 30 lines, then the number n that you pass to -ml should be 0 < n <=967. eg. -ml 967.


We have 250 simulation dirs to run, by specifying -ml 100 (100 python calls to per slurm script), we expect 3 sim slurm scripts to be outputted.(1-100, 100-200,  200-250)

We have 3 observed dirs to run, by specifying -ml 100 (100 python calls to per slurm script), we expect 1 sim slurm scripts to be outputted.

We have 61 rrup files to run, by specifying -ml 100 (100 python calls to per slurm script), we expect 1 sim slurm scripts to be outputted.

Command to run checkpointing and splitting:

python -s /nesi/nobackup/nesi00213/RunFolder/Cybershake/v18p6_batched/v18p6_1k_under2p0G_ab/Runs -srf /nesi/nobackup/nesi00213/RunFolder/Cybershake/v18p6/Runs/test_srfs/ -ll /scale_akl_nobackup/filesets/transit/nesi00213/StationInfo/non_uniform_whole_nz_with_real_stations-hh400_v18p6.ll -np 80 -o ~/test_obs/IMCalcExample/ /nesi/nobackup/nesi00213/RunFolder/Cybershake/v18p6/test_check_point/ -ml 100


To submit the slurm script:

$cp /nesi/nobackup/nesi00213/tmp/auto_preproc 

The reason that we have to run '' under  '/nesi/nobackup/nesi00213/tmp/auto_preproc' is otherwise slurm cannot find machine.env specified by the script:

