Here is a list of the software where we run SeisFinder and how to perform certain operations on it.

As of Jan 2018, we have the two following Virtual Machines (VMs):

User Management

Active Directory is up and running on those machines. This means that any UC user can be allowed to have access to the machines. In order to do so, any user with root access can perform the following command:

sudo realm permit $usercode

where $usercode is the UC code for the user (for example ykh22 for Jonney).

Installation of SeisFinder2

In a first instance, we have installed SeisFinder v2 on dev01-quakecore. This is the machine where our beta testers will use it.

Getting the code

Here you will describe the steps to put seisfinder2 on the machine. Describe the django 1.10 steps as well.


What did you do to create the DB.