ll2xy vs latlon2statgrid and xy2ll vs statgrid2latlon

Tools to convert between latitude, longitude and gridpoints/distance for a given simulation domain.

Common Properties

ll2xy and xy2lllatlon2statgrid and statgrid2latlonNotes
can work on standard input or filesmust work on files onlyll2xy more flexible, can use pipes instead of files
xy I/O is in km from centrestatgrid I/O is point position from top left cornercan convert between output styles given:
horizontal spacing and total domain size
given model grid point ll coordinates,
resulting x, y values are equidistant
incremental statgrid points converted to lat lon plotted:
are not equidistant and are systematically shifted
some points are out of place compared with neighbours 
this is why ll2xy and xy2ll has a wrapper function
to make sure converted points are equidistant
given horizontal spacing or grid point increments. 

Conversion between geographic data formats

convert a shapefile from NZGD2000 (found on LINZ) to WGS84 (different source spacial reference system and output srs)

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" wgs84.shp linz.shp -s_srs EPSG:2193 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -lco ENCODING=UTF-8

convert a shapefile from NZGD2000 to GMT (generic mapping tools) format WGS84 (for use with tools like gmt psxy) (changing output format)

ogr2ogr -f "OGR_GMT" wgs84.gmt linz.shp -s_srs EPSG:2193 -t_srs EPSG:4326

NOTE: GMT (5.3) will not plot segments with missing headers gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/issues/1072 which results in missing segments. GRASS will output all headers when exporting OGR_GMT (v.out.ogr). Alternatively run a command like the following to remove all headers

grep -v '^#' wgs84.gmt > wgs84_nohead.gmt