Conversion between geographic data formats

convert a shapefile from NZGD2000 (found on LINZ) to WGS84 (different source spacial reference system and output srs)

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" wgs84.shp linz.shp -s_srs EPSG:2193 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -lco ENCODING=UTF-8

convert a shapefile from NZGD2000 to GMT (generic mapping tools) format WGS84 (for use with tools like gmt psxy) (changing output format)

ogr2ogr -f "OGR_GMT" wgs84.gmt linz.shp -s_srs EPSG:2193 -t_srs EPSG:4326

NOTE: GMT (5.3) will not plot segments with missing headers which results in missing segments. GRASS will output all headers when exporting OGR_GMT (v.out.ogr). Alternatively run a command like the following to remove all headers

grep -v '^#' wgs84.gmt > wgs84_nohead.gmt

NOTE: when converting the GMT format to a shapefile, always specify -s_src and -t_src otherwise the .prj file won't be created. This is because the source has no projection information and therefore the destination projection will be unknown.

Cropping coordinates (station locations) using GMT

Option 1: using gmt select

gmt select -Fpolygon.ll hh400.ll > hh400_land.ll
gmt select -F/nesi/projects/nesi00213/PlottingData/Paths/lds-nz-coastlines-and-islands/150k.gmt non-uniform-100m.ll > non-uniform-land.ll

Option 2: using gmt spatial

Convert points to virtual paths by duplicating position and naming segment with 3rd value (station name).

awk '{print "> " $3 "\n" $1, $2 "\n" $1, $2}' hh400.ll > hh400_paths.ll

Use GMT to truncate paths (points) by polygon.

gmt spatial -Tpolygon.ll hh400_paths.ll > hh400_cropped.ll

Convert paths back to points.

awk '{if ($1 == ">") n=$2; if (NR % 3 == 2) print $1, $2, n}' hh400_cropped.ll > hh400_land.ll