

  1. Generation of Comparison IM CSVs (fault based)
    1. From empirical GMMs
    2. From previous GM simulation runs
  2. Implementation of residual metrics (and other investigation metrics?)
    1. At individual simulation level
    2. At fault level
    3. Per Site
      1. At Run/CS level
      2. Fault Level
  3. Scripts for result checking directly after completion (i.e. integrated into workflow as a job?)
    1. At Rel Level
    2. At Fault Level
  4. Visualization
    1. SpatialĀ Residuals maps
      1. At Rel Level
      2. At Fault Level
    2. Reference IM Plots
      1. At Rel Level
      2. At Fault Level
    3. Summary Spatial Residual Plots (i.e. histogram)
      1. At Rel level
      2. At Fault level
    4. Single Site
      1. Residual distribution (i.e. histogram)
        1. At Fault Level
      2. Response spectra comparison
        1. At Rel Level
        2. At Fault Level
    5. Response Spectra Means
      1. Across all Sites
        1. At Cybershake Level (one line per event)
      2. Across all Cybershake Events
        1. At each Site (one line per site)
    6. Spatial Mean Log Ratio across Events run for each Site
      1. At Cybershake Level

Structure / Overview

Base directory (cybershake_investigation)

  1. cybershake_investigation
    1. configs (Holds config files for acceptable station difference values)
    2. scripts (Contains scripts to call functionality)
      1. compare_csvs (Script to compare IMs from empirical models to cybershake results)
      2. gen_empirical (Script to generate empirical data for a cybershake_root structure, has different args to archived version)
      3. gen_empirical_archive (Script to generate empirical data for archived versions of cybershake)
      4. plot_avg_event_residual_spectra (Script to produce a single plot across all events at every site across the response spectrum)
      5. plot_avg_site_residual (Script to produce a single plot across all sites for every event across the response spectrum)
      6. plot_avg_site_residual_spectra (Script to produce a single plot that shows the log ratio residuals values across the NZ map for every event / site)
      7. plot_hist_residual (Script that shows the ratio value data in a histogram instead of a map view for each fault and or realisation)
      8. plot_single_site_residual (Script to plot a histogram of a single site / fault / IM showing each realisation ratio value)
      9. plot_single_site_spectrum (Script to plot pSA values for averaged simulation / empirical values and shows each realisation in grey lines for a single site / fault)
      10. plot_spatial_im (Script that plots the IM values directly for each IM / fault and or realisation on a map)
      11. plot_spatial_residual (Script that plots the ratio values between empirical and simulation for each fault and or realisation)
    3. empirical (Contains the functions to calculate empirical values for archived or cybershake run results)
    4. _spectra (Contains the functions to plot response spectra with all events and sites)
    5. hist (Contains the functions to plot all histogram plots)
    6. ratios (Contains the function to compute the ratios between simulation and empirical results and test against acceptable station difference values)
    7. single_site (Contains the functions to plot single site residual histograms and pSA values)
    8. spatial (Contains the function to plot spatially the IM, ratio values and also a histogram of those spatial values)
    9. utils (Contains common functions used by multiple different scripts)
  2. Readme, setup, requirements, jenkinsfile etc.